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  1. Can You please answer more detailed ? Maybe some screenshots to olegs.pops@ergo.lv :)
  2. Hi, I want to debug some processes and that is why want to integrate jaspersever in eclipse. I build jasperserver from the command line and can run it from my tomcat and all is fine. Now I want to create project in eclipse. I tried to create DynamicWeb project in eclipse and import all sources of jasperser. There was no errors in java code, but there was to many errors in .jsp files. I can run it as server :) But there is not all functionality, for example LOGOUT button not exist :) If I import the build like existed project, then it is a MAVEN project and I dont know how to make it work like a server :( But maven's commands are working! Who know how to RUN AS SERVER jasperserver project please help :) Oleg.
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