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  1. You need to get your hands on the source code of the plugin. Create a project with this source code in Eclipse. You will need to add the required libs to get it compiling correctly. Make your change in the plugin. Get the new .class file you just created. UnJar your plugin to some location. replace the .class file with your new one from the project you just created. create the plugin jar again using the same folder structure but with your new .class file. Add this new jar into your webapps lib folder. Thats it !
  2. ACtually when declaring the field at the top of the report just do the composition there and it works : <field "classb.buildingName" .... "java.lang.String">
  3. I am passing a Java object to my report. If my object contains instance of another object as a member variable how to I print out the name of the member object. Lets say Class A contains String name; String phoneNumber; ClassB building So classB contains : String buildingName; If I pass Class A to my report, how do I print the buildingName in the report???? Thanks Spunog
  4. FYI I solved this problem by rebuiding the plugin code and rebuiding the jar. Seems like a little bug in the build process of the plugin.
  5. I am using Jasper reports with Struts 2 and tomcat 6. I have followed the example to get the sample jasper report working with struts. Everything is fine up until the action looks for the template file. According to the example you should place your template file as follows : try { JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile( "S2_WEBAPP/jasper/our_jasper_template.jrxml", "S2_WEBAPP/jasper/our_compiled_template.jasper"); So I take this to mean in my /webapps/mywebapp/jasper/our_jasper_template.jrxml If I use servletcontext.getRealPAth("S2_WEBAPP/jasper/our_jasper_template.jrxml"); It finds the jrxml file but I get this error : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.lang.xwork.StringUtils Please note the xwork package here. This class (in this package) is not shipped with JAsper Reports 3.5.2 I would really like to use Jasper Reports in my project but I am stuck now. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance Spunog
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