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Posts posted by shaunw

  1. No script or coding is being used here, only properties of the report elements.

    My chosen output format is Excel.

    The "One page per sheet" option in the iReport export options (Excel) is checked. So multiple sheets are created.

    Using the page height property in a subreport, the whole subreport goes into to a single Excel sheet. I just make the height very big (5950).

    But when I preview (compile) the main report, the subreport is split into different sheets.

    How do I control the subreport from the main report so I get the whole subreport in one sheet again?


  2. Hello there

    Is there parameter or some other way of getting the report name as a variable?

    I need this so I can pass the value to the subreports which have anchors to each other. Hard-coding the name is no good, as the user changes the pdf file name. The link then would cease to work.

    Many Thanks


  3. Hi again. In particular I'm addressing the Support experts as we have a support contract with JasperSoft and our support user name is admin_19. The support delay (so far 3 weeks) is impacting on our business as we rely on reports for customers. We understand that the turnaround for answers is stated to be hours or days in the case of paid support.


    Simply put, I've defined anchors to jump back and forth between pairs of subreports. When I click one RemoteReport Anchor, the report lands up at an unexpected place, not where the destination anchor is. How do we resolve this?


    Yours Gratefully



  4. I am using iReport 4.8.0. I have pairs of subreports, where one has a graph and one has detail. But there is a lot of information between these. So I have created a remote anchor at the top of the graph, and at the top of the detail, in order to click and jump from one to another.

    However the jumps seem "inaccurate" - the destination reached is in range of but not exactly where the anchor is placed.

    By the way the report view is in pdf.

    Is this a bug? What is the  fix? I have been on this for quite a while and cannot present inaccurate jumps to a client.

    Many thanks in anticipation of the solution.


    When clicking a subreport anchor to get to a subreport lower down in the main report, the jump is inaccurate. I'm placing an anchor at the top of each subreport.
    The report lands up in a place higher than where it should be. The difference seems to be the same as the lower subreport's height. Yet when I place the anchor below the details, e.g. in the Summary Band, the situation is worse. The landing point is even higher up from the destination subreport.
    Is there a way of jumping a calculated distance, adding the subreport height to an anchor position? In other words, can you use a variable to add the distance of the destination anchor, plus the subreport it's in?
    I'm using RemoteAnchor links, with References being the report path + the main report name.
    Upper subreport
    Name: "Savings_Graph"; Ref.: "./Savings Analysis Report/StatsGraphs.pdf"
    Anchor: "Savings_Detail"; Link: Client = $P{Client}. Hyperlink Type: "RemoteAnchor"
    Tooltip: "Click to go to Detail".
    Lower subreport
    Name "Savings_Detail"; Ref.: "./Savings Analysis Report/StatsGraphs.pdf"
    Anchor: "Savings_Graph"; Link: Client = $P{Client}. Hyperlink Type: "RemoteAnchor"
    Tooltip: "Click to go to Graph".
    (By the way when I click the lower anchor, it jumps accurately to the top!). 
    Many Thanks
    Have a great Easter.

    Hi there
    I have been struggling with this on and off for a number of weeks.
    What's needed here, is how to jump to and from a subreport chart neatly, where there is an anchor from the main report per subreport, of which there may be several. 
    I am able to click a text field above a details section, to jump to an anchor from a text  field. A field under a subreport gets pushed way down by the expansion of the latter in preview. Also as you know, exporting a report unit from a subreport, creates a webframe. A webframe causes further issues. The Anchor text field gets hidden.
    How do I manage an RemotePage anchor so that it jumps neatly to a chart in a subreport?
    Secondly it seems to be further complicated by a report that has multiple subreports.
    How do I do it there?
    Thanks a load!
  7. Hi

    This may sound like a similar question to before, where I asked about an anchor from a text field to a subreport. 

    However, this question is more specific. Perhaps this one requires attention in favour of the previous one:

    A text field when clicked, must jump to a chart in a subreport. And when the subreport is clicked, it must jump back to the same text field on the main report.

    What must be the Anchor settings for each element?

    Many, many thanks in anticipation of your expertise!


  8. Thanks so much, this was very very useful, it clarifies nicely how to add schemas and OLAP views. But maybe I wasn't clear.

    I created an OLAP Schema in JasperAnalysis Workbench. How do I add that specific schema to my JasperReports Repository?



    And maybe there should be a second question: how is a cube of data included into the repository?



    Keen on hearing your answers.



    Hi Experts,
    I am running iReport 5.0 on Windows 7.
    I did as is recommended to run the sample HSQLDB database:
    Help->Samples->Run Sample Database
    It told me "Sample database already running".
    My concern is, even with the HSQLDB already running, compiling the iReport gives me the error "Check username and password; is the DBMS active ?!"
    Please can you tell me, how does one locate the service? What is it called? And how are the samples set up? I understood this was part of the jrs installation.
    Many thanks in anticipation of your expertise.
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