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Posts posted by rjback

  1. I agree the files start to download fine. They also complete downloading fine. But the iReport installer failed due to an integrity check failure, and the jasperserver pro install just didn't do anything.

    This morning the jasperserver pro download works, but the ireport download still has the same problem.

    I don't necessarily think this is a problem at Jaspersoft's end- could well be any number of issues causing this. We can get what we need from the Jasperserver pro installer so we are good to go.

  2. We have a paid-for Jasperserver Pro subscription, and are trying to go to 3.7.1. On the downloads page, there is a windows installer, and a separate iReports windows installer.

    At the moment we can get neither to work- the iReports installer reports a integrity failure, indicating a corrupted file/download. The main Jasperserver download doesn't do anything when run- it brings up the hourglass then quits.

    Is anyone having the same problem, or does anyone have any ideas?

  3. Hi,

    We're seeing some odd behaviour with our reports that have dropdown lists in their input controls- we have raised a support call but no resolution so far.

    Our dropdown list in the input control is populated by a query. If a user runs the report, all is fine until the next day when they come to run the report again, when the dropdown list has the same values in. Instead of running the query to populate the dropdown list, the values have been cached!

    Unfortunately in our situation, none of these items are in the database any more due to the overnight load replacing them. So when the user selects an item and it is passed to the report as a parameter, the report fails.

    More odd behaviour then occurs! Whilst the failed report is on screen, we hit the toolbar button to re-enter parameters, to choose a different item in the dropdown. The same problem happens. But when we do this again (i.e. the third time we run the report) the dropdown is populated correctly from the query and the report works!

    And the final odd thing- after the report works, if we go and find the exact same report from the report list and run it again, it has gone back to failing, and we have to run it a couple more times before it works.

    Has anyone experienced this problem before? Any solutions at all?

    We are on Jasperserver Pro plus patches, with a MySQL 5 backend.





  4. We are seeing this behaviour too- our input controls cache from the previous day's data. In fact, if you rerun the report, on the third time the cache is abandoned and it starts working.

    But then, when you choose the report from the list of reports subsequently, it goes back to the previous day's cache despite having abandoned it earlier!

    Why would clearing the ad-hoc cache have any effect? This is not an ad-hoc report, it is an iReport with an input control.

    If we have to clear the ad-hoc cache every day then this is not a solution.

  5. Thanks- that is very useful. Not sure we'd go down that path though. I think we'd probably make the users log in with their email address, to make it readily available.

    A supplementary question then- we will be using a mix of iReports and Domain reporting. We'd like to make the domain reporting use the same security model as the iReports. With iReports, we'd use the logged in user name/email address as a hidden parameter to control the rows that came back.

    Would this be possible in the row-level security model of Domains? I have seen how to do row level security in domains based on the user's role or a profile property.

    For example, if the user's address is joe.bloggs, I want my filter to join through a couple of tables to find out what objects the user is allowed to see, and make sure the filter only brings back those.

  6. Thanks for the help. I have since tracked down the Ultimate guide which contains examples for this.


    P.S. I couldn't find an example for row level security using profile attributes in section 7.4, hence the post- the examples I could see where to do with using someone's role.

  7. Re: row level security in iReport

    I have seen an example of how to take the email address of the logged in user as a hidden parameter and pass it to the query, to achieve row level security on the report.

    However, what if we have another parameter to the report, e.g. a drop down list of items, which is also to be filtered by the logged in user? Please can someone give me an example of how to achieve this, or let me know if it is possible?



  8. Re: row level security on domains

    The Jasperserver documentation, in 'Advanced Domain Features'/'The Domain Security File' mentions that row level security could filter, and I quote 'employees whose manager field equals the manager's employee number'

    I.e. a manager creating a domain report on employees would only see their own supervised employees in the report they bring back.

    How can this be achieved? The examples that follow in the documentation have this format: "If you have a role you can see the data specified in this filter".

    The examples do not include anything to do with filtering on the currently logged in user, or any of their properties. To return to the example hinted at but not explored in the documentation, where would the manager's employee number be stored in Jasperserver? And how would we reference it in the filter?

    If we can't store the employee number in Jasperserver and can only access things like their email address, how can that be applied in the filter in the domain?

    Any help would be gratefully received!



  9. Hi,

    I need to deploy some iReport and ad-hoc reports from our development installation of JasperServer to a test and live server. How can I copy the reports to a new server? In particular, I'm wondering about ad-hoc reports.

    The 'create report' wizard in JasperServer always asks about specifying a query, which seems odd for JRXML reports which have the query built in. So I have used he iReports plugin to import my JRXML iReports, which doesn't ask about query and assumes the query is in the JRXML file.

    How about Ad-hoc reports though? These can be edited in iReports but lose their sorting and grouping, and when saved and reimported into a repository become standard reports. I would like the ad-hoc reports in one repository to be imported the same in the destination repository.

    Any ideas?



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