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Posts posted by mandm

  1. Hi crazybugs,

    can you tell me in detail how to do both these steps

    I am using jasper server 4.0 on linux and i can see the russian font when i run the report but once i export as pdf its all blank

    I am also attaching the pdf fontnames and the pdf encoding option that i see on the ireport designer

  2.  Hi All,

    I find this forum very useful so time and again i keep asking questions which are unsolvable by me, so i have a query and its output is 

    qtr, count, name1, name2, name3

    1     23        A             B             C

    2    44        f                G            H

    and i want the report to display it as 


    label        data1    data2

    qtr            1                2

    count       23              44

    name1   A                 f

    name2   B               G

    name3    C               H


    please suggest me an alternative if this is possible?


  3. I have a text field which display the parameters used to execute the report, in the following way


    "Report Quarter: " + $P{R9QTR} + " Year: " + $P{R9YR} + ", Selected Unit:" + $P{unitName} + ", Isolation Rooms?: "

    my issue is when the quarter input (R9QTR) is null, i want to disply current quarter similary for year

    how can i achieve that? is there a ifnull or nvl function in jasper?

  4. I have a report that has 2 parameters, start date and end date and the end date is today's date, which i have set as default value parameter: new Date()

    but when i schedule the report from jasper server to run daily say start data 01-01-2011 and end date today's date, it picks the end date as the date i scheduled the report and not current date

  5. Hi mdahlman,

    I tried to research your suggestion about the css changes and it really helped me clean up a lot of stuff on the report list page,

    but the code in /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/templates/list.jsp


        <li id="tabular_fourColumn_resources:leaf" class="resources">
            <div class="wrap button draggable">
                <div class="column one">
                    <div class="scheduled icon button"></div>
                    <div class="disclosure icon button"></div>
                <div class="column two" >
                    <h3 class="resourceName"><a></a></h3>
                    <p class="resourceDescription"></p>
                    <p class="resourcePath" ></p>
                <div class="column three"></div>
                <div class="column four">
                    <p class="modifiedDate" title=""></p>

    is really what i am focusing on

    if i add so i wanted to add a list of images to be rendered instead of the resourceName class, but when i make any change to the <a> section (highlighted in red) then the entire page is blank

    i tried adding and <img src="logo.png"> but that repeated the same image for all files, is there a way i can render different image for each report name?





  6. Hi mdahlman,

    Thanks for your response, yes my initial question was out of confusion, its not a valid question, so for your better understanding i am attaching 2 images,


    image1 is the way our report lists looks right now --> i have edited the names for privacy

    image2 is the way we want to display those reports (like images) and all the right click features should also work on them


    if its a css change can you tell me which css file i am looking at?

  7. Hi mdahlman,

    Do you think these is a way to customize the output of jasper server, once we login instead of showing the names of the report and description, can we show static images which can then be used similarly to run report on click or have all the right click options retained..?

  8. hi mdahlman,

    Thanks for replying, but i might have confused you, so what i want to do is to change the main page once you login into the jasperserver portal 4.0

    Once you login you see a list of all the report names with descriptions and dates

    I wanted to change that to show static images (instead of report names), that can be clicked to get to the report paramters, i am assuming i might have to change some jsp files for this?

    can you please let me know?


  9.  I had a requirement to check if jasper had a capability to create a dashboard of reports in the repository and then the user clicks on one of the charts and it takes them to the reports input parameter interface where he can then run the report?


    Does jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0 have that capability? i purchased the JS-Ultimate guide 4.0, but it mentions for files like JI-menu.xml...etc which i cannot find? 

    any other hints?

  10.  i have a tricky question, which  i will be glad if addressed by the forum, my worry is that i have a input parameter which i need to have the values changed dynamically, e.g unit_name which can change based on each table so i have a mapping table which i use via the $P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername() parameter in the report, to run a report for a specific user....

    But can i use this $P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername() in the single select query option on the server?

    my query is 


    select distinct key from table1 where lst_id in (

    select lst_id from table2 where Name = 'units' and file_id in (select fileid from usermap where userid = $P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername())



    select '%' as key_value

    order by key_value asc

    in this query  i need to derive the distinct keys based on each logged in users table...
    Can this be done in jasper?



  11.   Here is how my report looks, i have highlighted the code in red. It does not work on ireport 4.0 (giving an error for java.lang.classnotfoundexception: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User)

    and on jasper server 4.0 it just says report is empty and no errors in the catalina.out

    can you please let me know what i am missing?



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreportshttp://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="userReport" language="groovy" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20">

    <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/>

    <property name="ireport.x" value="0"/>

    <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/>

    <import value="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User"/>

    <parameter name="LoggedInUser" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User" isForPrompting="false"/>

    <parameter name="newUser" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false">




    <band splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="69" splitType="Stretch">


    <reportElement x="129" y="21" width="100" height="20"/>


    <text><![CDATA[Trial report]]></text>





    <band height="26" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="13" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="125" splitType="Stretch">


    <reportElement x="116" y="29" width="173" height="36"/>

    <textElement textAlignment="Center"/>

    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{newUser}]]></textFieldExpression>





    <band height="45" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="54" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="42" splitType="Stretch"/>



  12.  So here is how my report looks, i have highlighted the code in red. It does not work on ireport 4.0(giving an error for java.lang.classnotfoundexception: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User)

    and on jasper server 4.0 it just says report is empty and no errors in the catalina.out

    can you please let me know what i am missing?


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="userReport" language="groovy" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20">

    <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/>

    <property name="ireport.x" value="0"/>

    <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/>

    <import value="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User"/>

    <parameter name="LoggedInUser" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User" isForPrompting="false"/>

    <parameter name="newUser" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false">




    <band splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="69" splitType="Stretch">


    <reportElement x="129" y="21" width="100" height="20"/>


    <text><![CDATA[Trial report]]></text>





    <band height="26" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="13" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="125" splitType="Stretch">


    <reportElement x="116" y="29" width="173" height="36"/>

    <textElement textAlignment="Center"/>

    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{newUser}]]></textFieldExpression>





    <band height="45" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="54" splitType="Stretch"/>



    <band height="42" splitType="Stretch"/>



  13.  Hi All,

    I am trying to create a report which uses the table name as a lookup in another table to get the resultset needed for the report

    my sql query is something like this


    select count(*) as denominatorCnt , inspectionCount, (count(*)/inspectionCount) as thermpct

    from $P!{MyTable} t1,  report3 t2

    where quarter(created_date) = $P{R3QTR}

      and year(created_date) = $P{R3YR}

      and trim(concat('_data', t2.id, '_', t2.table_name)) = $P{MyTable}


    so my where clause the from clause has same parameter, but if you noticed i use a ! in the from clause as per the guidelines...

    The issue with this is the where clause MyTable always tables the default parameter expression and never changes even when the from is changing

    so please let me know if i am doing something wrong or is there a different way to do this?

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