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Posts posted by s4samudrala

  1. I am using pie Chart in my Report, and i would like to display the percentage of the value used in Pie Chart.

    we can achieve this by setting the 'Label Format'  value to {2}, but i am unable to get the required output and it display the item name itself.

    please let me know if i am doing anything wrong and correct me.

    waitign for any help.


  2. Hello,

    i need to display a text with some characters as bold. for that i am using the text field property markup with the value styleid.

    below is a sample expression line in my textfield

    "<style isBold='true'>Description :   </style>"+$P{mydesc}


    i am able to get the desired output,  but i have a case when the parameter field has the character '&' then the expression is not evaluated and displays as it is entered....

    for example..

    if i have the mydesc parameter value as "this is the description " then the output will be..

    Description: this is the description

    suppose if i have the mydesc parameter value with special chnaracter in it like  "this is the description &&" then the output will be..

    <style isBold='true'>Description: </style>this is the description &&


    kindly help me with any suggesstions.

  3. Hi,

    Can anyone help me on where can i get samplete templates design's other  than the ones that are shipped with IReports.

    I am lookign for templates which can be used in Saas or Web Related Projects

    plz let me know any where i can find them.

    Thanks in Advance




  4. hi,

    i am new to implementing jasper reports using php-java bridge.

    i am facing a problem when viewing the output generated for a report which has to be generated dynamically. i am getting an empty page when using connections to show a report, but when i use the empty datasource the report works and shows the data in the title and with null values in detail band.

    can anyone plz help me on this topic...


    thanks in advance.............

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