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Everything posted by highjo

  1. if you are using jdbc connection,i think there is a check box save password on the panel where you enter those credentials.
  2. Hello! I'm trying to get myself used to jasperforge ireport before using it in a real project next week and i seem to be stacked somewhere already .i'm using ireport 3.7.0 on windows xp platform + java 1.6 It sound easy to get a field color changed based on what it contains or calculate a sum of number in a field based on conditions but in practice it's taking me too much time to accomplish. I have a query say : SELECT COUNT(gender) AS total_by_gender, gender ,account_status FROM user_account ua, user_profile up WHERE ua.user_profile_id=up.user_profile_id GROUP BY gender,account_status [/code]it gives me something like this: | total_by_gender | gender | account_status | | 160 |Female | ENABLED | | 26 |Female | UNCONFERIMED | | 100 |Male | ENABLED | | 10 |Male | UNCONFIRMED | Now i want the ENABLED Text to Look say green and UNCONFIRMED say red.For that i added a text field with this expression $F{account_status}.equals("ENABLED") ? "<style forecolor='#ff0000'>" + $F{account_status}.toString() + "</style>" :"<style forecolor='#999999'>" + $F{account_status}.toString() + "</style>" [/code]well for each of them it gives me something like the same text like <style> (i think it's printing all the condition expression) instead of colored text unconfirmed or enabled. My second problem is that i want to do the total of all unconfirmed and all enabled. i can do normal sum expression but with condition i don't have any idea. Can anyone shed some light? thanks for reading. i hope this time i'll get a response to my post
  3. Hello guys! please excuse me for this simple question post.Trully i've started reading on jasper ireport from saturday and decided to use it. I'm desiging a report using ireport and wanted to display for now total number of users in a system based on their gender and then print the total of users (all genders). so i have this query " select count(gender) as totalbygender, gender from user_account ua, user_profile up where ua.email_verified=true and ua.user_profile_id = up.user_profile_id group by up.gender" i drag the fields and all and view the preview .so in order to have that total i've decided to use variables.I've created one , set its class being Long and calculation being in the property files.so in the variable Expression i've written sum($F{totalbygender}) .Since the resultset is in 2rows , i was expecting for example if count for male is 50 and female 60 then the sum would be 110. but in having this error instead.What should i do to achieve my purpose.Thanks Code: Post Edited by highjo at 12/21/2009 20:10 Post Edited by highjo at 12/22/2009 09:32
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