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Posts posted by zeva

  1.  Hi there,

    I think jasperreports is a great tool but i've been dealing with this problem for a long time, i cannot get it to work with a jpa connection, ireport can't read the persistence.xml properly. In my previous projects i just used a plain jdbc connection and sql queries, then passing the hibernate underlying jdbc connection to the JasperFillManager instance. But now i need to use a jpa connection and ejbql.

    I added the "classes" folder  (where the META-INF subfolder with the persistence.xml file is located) to the ireport classpath but when i specify my persistence unit name i get always the same mentioned error.

    I also added to the classpath the lib folder (with my current implementation of hibernate and jta) but i get the same result.

    I tried by creating a separate folder with a different version of the persistence.xml file, without using a jndi connection and setting transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL". The same result.

    Any suggestion?

    Thanks in advance.



  2. Hi,

    I am facing the same issue described above, i can get it to work from iReport but when i try to do the same at runtime from the web application i get that "Can't find bundle for base name..." error

    The .properties files are in the same location as the .jrxml

    I am setting the locale by passing the REPORT_LOCALE parameter, i tried by passing the resource bundle directly without any luck.

    i also tried by setting the report classpath pointing to the source folder.


    I'm completly lost in this point.  /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif

    Can anybody help me.

    Thanks in advance.




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