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Posts posted by mgruner

  1. mlabonte

    I'm facing the exact same problem with REPORT_LOCALE. Any news? Will it be fixed, is there any workaround?


    Well, the official answer is given by Sherman.

    If you like to you may download the community edition source code and look for occurences of "REPORT_LOCALE" within the code (there are only 5 pieces as far as I remember). Then you could adapt the IReport code to the JAsper-Server Web-frontend. (In IReport they look if the REPORT_LOCALE variable is set. If it is set they create a REPORT_LOCALE object from the string given if not they default to the system locale.)

    As Sherman noted this is rather a hack than a straight forward approach. Unfortunately I did never implement this as I left the project where this thing was needed and had not enough time to do it as a private project. ;)

    Good luck!


  2. Hello,

    I'm currently working on making my reports multi-lingual. I would like my users to choose the language on starting point of the report. Therefore I created a Input-Control in my Report with the Name "REPORT_LOCALE" hoping that it would pass the given locale to the report.

    When starting the report via "Run report unit" from IReport everything works like a charm: The locale gets recognized and uses the right resource bundles for that. When I use the Jaspersoft Jasperserver web interface the report ignores my parameter and uses the locale which the user did chose to login to the web interface.

    Are there any ideas around how I may change that behavior?

    Cheers, micha

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