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Posts posted by goldsmithsa

  1. All,

    A small nuance, was wondering if anyone has found a work around.  Users are complaining that when they group data using the ad-hoc editor, the group data element is displayed at both the top and bottom of the group, where they would want the group header to only be displayed at the top.

    Not the end of the world, but with a large data set they find they are spending siginificant time in Excel deleting the repeated group heading at the end of the group.

    Suggestions and advice are greatly appreciated.

  2. I'm trying to follow the sample Java Web services app, and thinking that it may be an option for me.  I have searched the Net, and can't find a JavaDoc for this thing.  Being new to commercial open source, I would assume that if you buy this product (on the brink of purchasing professional version), then at least the Domain Web service should have a JavaDoc?  Does a JavaDoc exist that anyone is aware of?  Or does everyone just implement the example app exactly as it is and never deviate?  Thanks for sharing.

  3. We are currently evaluating the use of JasperReports as a framework for developers to create reports.  Based on my limited experiece, I wonder if the following scenario can be accomplished:

    We would like to use iReport, for ease, to create a report that embeds a flash based gant chart.  We would want to execute a simple query to populate some data in a table above the flash chart (this part is easy using iReport), and I suppose "embed" within the report a jsp (or html) page that will produce the flash chart, where the html page will look something like the code section below.

    So here are the questions:

    1.  Is it possible to embed an html/jsp page in a report?
    2.  How could we make the values selected from the input controls available to the embedded HTML/JSP page?
    3.  Is there a better way to do something like this that you can recommend?

    Thanks for your help!

    <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>AnyChart Sample</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/AnyChart.js"></script> </head> <body>     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">     //<![CDATA[    var chart = new AnyChart('./swf/AnyGantt.swf');     chart.width = 700;     chart.height = 300;     chart.setXMLFile('./anychart.xml');     chart.write();     //]]>     </script> </body> </html>
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