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  1. Hi, I use Jasper Server and have a problem with the calculation result of average. If you see the attached image, the value 10.5 at the crossing of scope1 column and 2008 alternative fuels row is supposed to be the average of five values (11, 10, 10,36,16), which is 16.6. in stead it shows 10.5, which is the average of the first two values (11 and 10), I have the same problem with other colums as well. the issue here is the calculation of average stops before the row which contains "0" value (C13 row). my xml code for scope1 measure is: <Measure name="scope1" column="scope1" formatString="###.00" aggregator="avg" visible="true"> </Measure> any idea of how to solve this would be helpful. many thanks, Koya Tsukiji
  2. Hi, I use Jasper Analysis Schema Workbench and want to figure out how to calculate average in hierarchy. for example, if one level has 10 values, 2 of which are 0, I want an average of 8 non-null values for the upper level. do I need to make a change in xml view? any help or comment would be appreciated. Koya
  3. Hi, I missed the webinar due to family circumstances and am wondering if there are any ppt slides or a recorded video of the presentation available. I have been using iReport and Jasper Server for my company and the webinar will definately help me with deep analysis. many thanks, Koya Tsukiji
  4. Hi, I have a following query result (numbers are random) so there are 4 fields and each has just one record. . Header1 | Header2 | Header3 | Total | -------------------------------------------------------- 10 | 20 | 30 | 60 | I want to create a pie chart that shows a breakdown of total (i.e. header 1, 2,3). after using the pie-chart interface, I feel like I have to make a query that returns the table below: then field 1 goes to key/label expression and field 2 goes to value expression. header1, 10 header2, 20 header3, 30 but I am not sure how to make that kind of query. could anyone help me with what to put in key / value expressions using the original table (below) ? Header1 | Header2 | Header3 | Total | -------------------------------------------------------- 10 | 20 | 30 | 60 | i.e. how can I put more than one value expression and make a manually-made label? I think someone has already asked a similar question before and I searched forum but could not find it. If anyone could answer my question or refer me to related discussion, I would appreciate it. many thanks! Koya Tsukiji Post Edited by kt708 at 12/11/2009 10:10
  5. Hi, I have a JDBC connection problem with MySQL, which is installed in my laptop and below is what I tried: JDBC Driver: MySQL (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/foodmart User name: root Password: I tried my root password I tried above while MySQL was running, and got a following error message. SQL problems: communications link failure Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago. the port (3306) is the right one and I confirmed there was foodmart database in MySQL. could anyone tell me possible causes and solutions? many thanks! Koya Tsukiji
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