Hi, I use Jasper Server and have a problem with the calculation result of average. If you see the attached image, the value 10.5 at the crossing of scope1 column and 2008 alternative fuels row is supposed to be the average of five values (11, 10, 10,36,16), which is 16.6. in stead it shows 10.5, which is the average of the first two values (11 and 10), I have the same problem with other colums as well. the issue here is the calculation of average stops before the row which contains "0" value (C13 row). my xml code for scope1 measure is: <Measure name="scope1" column="scope1" formatString="###.00" aggregator="avg" visible="true"> </Measure> any idea of how to solve this would be helpful. many thanks, Koya Tsukiji