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  1. Was there any other solution than the Scriptlet? I, too, have a need for dynamic column presentation where all the columns to the right are scooted to the left when a column isn't printed...? -DeloreanGUY
  2. I've put multiple class files in the same directory with no success. It appears to be a toolset issue rather than a path issue. Has anyone actually run different scriptlets from multiple class files in the same report? I added an additional scriptlet object in the Report Inspector and put in the class name, just like the default one. When I referenced the second scriptlet's method, iReport said "class not found". It apparently could only find methods in the default class and would not look an another class for the method name. If anyone knows how to do this, please respond, it's a big issue at my project. Thanks!
  3. I'm highly interested in this as well, Becky...I need to pre-populate dozens of potential drop-down lists with selectable options. And I need to fill them with database values in addition to days-of-week, month names, states, etc..
  4. I'm on a project with thousands of reports we need to convert to iReports. It would be unwieldy to have a single, monolithic Scriptlet for all the methods we'll have to create. We need to have shared methods for date calculations and such, with report-specific methods in another scriptlet. Post Edited by deloreanguy at 11/17/2009 17:15
  5. I've got Scriptlets working in my report, but need to add a second scriptlet class to a report. I've added a second script object in the Report Inspector but when I reference the method in the scriptlet, I get a "Parameter not found: DATE_SCRIPTLET" error, with DATE_SCRIPTLET the name of the second scriptlet object in the Report Inspector. The field in the detail band is $P{DATE_SCRIPTLET}.mymethod(); that is getting the error. In the same band I have another scriptlet call that works. The working scriptlet is called by $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.weeksDiff($F{LOGDISP_FLDDATE}, $P{System Date}) Is only one scriptlet clas permitted per report? I would've thought adding another Scriptlet object and referencing that name would work... Thanks in advance! (I'm using iReports community edition, version 3.6.0)
  6. I certainly appreciate the reply. I found the examples referenced but am still having a problem. I've created a report with a sub-report to show how I'm setting up sub-reports. I changed my expression type for my mapped variable to "band" but I still didn't get the results back. In this example, the sub-report isn't running even though in my "real" report I at least have the sub-report working, it just doesn't pass back a variable (which is the subject of my post). My example (attached) has no database calls so anyone should be able to execute it. The entire report is in the page header band since no fields are returned from a database. I've made my field mapping match what I saw in the JasperReports example and I can't understand why the mapping doesn't work. If you run the sub-report and input the parms, the sub-report works fine. All my sample report does is input a text field and an integer, then pass them to a sub-report which is supposed to display its input parms and pass back the values. Any help much appreciated...
  7. The IN operator requires a parenthetical notation, such as WHERE D IN (A, B, C)... I haven't tried using parms with an IN clause, but put parends around it first...
  8. I'm trying to pass back a variable from a sub-report but am getting NULL when I print the returned variable in the main report. Does the freebie version (community) have an issue with this? Also, shouldn't I be able to pass back any variable in the sub-report? The only variables that don't get a "cannot find variable" error are the system variables such as REPORT_COUNT, PAGE_COUNT and so forth - not very useful. When the sub-report is displayed on the report, I can see the sub-report's variable is correct but noting I do can get the main report to find anything other than the system vars in the sub-report. Any help is MUCH appreciated! Post Edited by deloreanguy at 11/04/2009 14:45
  9. I am new to Java (again) and to iReports (first time). I need to get a Scriptlet working, but the tutorial lacks some basics that I'm sure everyone else but me knows. Please excuse my lack of knowledge, but I have a deadline and can spend no more time researching...any help appreciated. I must assume that any Scriptlet is compiled outside of iReport using a Java compiler. When I try to compile my Scriptlet, I get "package net.sf.jasperreports... does not exist" errors. Yes, I have an import statement for JRDefaultScriptlet and JRScriptletException in my Scriptlet. I also changed my computer's classpath (environment variable) to point to where the jasperreports-3.6.0.jar file is. Someone please tell me what files need to be where, what variables need to be set. This isn't really a Java syntax issue, it's packaging, I believe. Please be specific if you can. For example, several posts say things like "add such-and-such to your classpath". Realize there are TWO classpaths - one for your computer and one tied to your report in iReport using the Tools -> Options menu option. A newbie like me doesn't know which you mean unless you are very careful to state which one, thanks. I think that if I can get my Scriptlet to actually execute, I'll be in the clear. Thanks in advance for assistance! Post Edited by deloreanguy at 11/03/2009 17:35
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