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Posts posted by mkr-fr

  1. Hello,

    has this become true? Because I'm currently facing the same problem. I wan't a simple html report which is displayed with the available size or a size I can define. If I want to print it i use pdf. I'm currently evaluationg JR for switching out of birt, so a fast answer would be welcome.

    Greetings Marco

  2. Hello everyone,

    is it possible to compile a jasper-file out of a jrxml-file programmaticaly in java? I mean, a JRXML-File can be converted to any format like html, pdf, csv... and I think it should be possible to get a Jasper-File out of it!? A convertion outside of java like in IReports is no option. It needs to be done during runtime. Any suggestions would be welcome.


    Greetings Marco

  3. First: Thank you for your answer Svenn! You gained Karma ;)

    @Second: I now downloaded the comunity Version of JR. Now I'm searching for informatioan about how to create a report out of java without having a jrxml-File. For example I would like to create a ReportDesign-Element and add various Report Items like labels or tables to it. From that the jrxml should be generated. I'm sure this must be possible, but I can't find any peace of documentation about how to do this. In fact i laughed about the "Getting Started Guide" I found. Step 5: "Buy the guide" :) Well for avaluation this isn't really.. let me say comfortable. Now my question is: Does anyone know a site or something where JR Beginners get simple tutorials about API usage? Or is this Ultimate Guide really the only source of information about this?

    Greetings Marco


  4. Hello everyone,

    my company is currently using Birt 2.2 for reports. We are not using the Birt Designer, but generate the reports dynamicaly with the API. Now we wanted to upgrade to Birt 2.5. But because of the very complex usage over API, combined by our dynically generation of the reports this resulted in many problems. In words: Nothing works anymore. I've spent a whole week now fixing the problems, but there is no end in sight. The poor Api-Doc of Birt doesn't make the problem any better.

    Now we are looking for other report-engines like Jasper reports. But before evaluating JasperReports I have a few questions:

    - How good is the API Documentation for the JasperReports API

    - How fast is the reponse time of questions in the forum? (Maybe an answer to this post answers the question allready)

    - How complex is the JasperReports API to use?

    - If JR is updated: How dramatic are the changes normaly? This means: How many time would I have to spent migrating the changes?


    Greetings Marco

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