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Posts posted by sampathku

  1. Hi,

         I am trying to create a drill-down option from my report to a second drill-down report. Drill-down report requires parameters which I have configured in the "Link parameters tab" of the hyperlink windown in iReport. Hyperlink target is self, hyperlink type is "ReportExecution".

       Everything works fine except when I click the hyperlink in jasperserver (after successful deployment), I get a blank page with the message <drill-down report name> "The report is empty. ".  This only happens if the drill-down report does not get any parameters?? Is there any other conf or something missing. This is purely done on Jasperserver 3.7.0.




  2. Hello All,

           I am trying to check a simple behavior of paramaterized reports. I am pasing parameters to an SQL query in iReport. I am getting "The document has no pages" message in iReport though there is data corresponding to the given parameters in the db. However, I get a proper report if I hard-code the query parameters in the query, I get the correct report

               I did the same experiment by putting the report on Jasper Server. I get the error "The report is empty." Any idea why this happens. I am trying to make this report a subreport & drill-down to this from a main report by passing URL parameters. Still I get the same message "The report is empty." I get the correct report if I put the query with hard-coded parameters on the Jasper Server as well. So the problem is not with data, but with some other report config??? Not sure what.



  3. Hello All,

           I am trying to check a simple behavior of reports through iReport. I am pasing parameters to an SQL query in iReport. I am getting "The document has no pages" message in iReport though there is data corresponding to the given parameters in the db. However, I get a proper report if I hard-code the query parameters in the "Edit query".

               I did the same experiment by putting the report on Jasper Server. I get the error "The report is empty." Any idea why this happens.



  4. Hello All,

          Is it possible to provide user to choose columns (add/modify) he would want to see in his reports using the same jrxml, just like ad-hoc reporting in jasper server. If yes, can this be done on jasper server or only programmatically using jasper report library.

             If chart data (x,y coordinates) also be chosen on ad-hoc basis, it's like icing in the cake.





  5. Hello All,

          Is it possible to provide user to choose columns (add/modify) he would want to see in his reports using the same jrxml, just like ad-hoc reporting in jasper server. If yes, can this be done on jasper server or only programmatically using jasper report library.

             If chart data (x,y coordinates) also be chosen on ad-hoc basis, it's like icing in the cake.





  6. Hello All,

            SSO, a topic much talked about in Jasper forums earlier :-). We have an SSO application implementing kerberos ticket protocol. There is no provision to directly configure a bean for authentication, as the SSO implementation requires all http requests to jasper, or any other web app for that matter, to be redirected to SSO directly for validation.

          The web application will only be told whether the user is valid, and/or the privileges he enjoys, by the SSO. I see that there have been some discussions on kerberos bean configuration earlier, but has anybody tried this kind of scenario, kind of URL re-direct.




  7. Hello Report Server Pandits,

    I am trying to find out, if it is possible to allow report users to click on various jasper/jfreechart reports and drill-down to subsequent reports or data. I clearly understand that this can be done programmatically on dashboards & analysis views through jsp's & java scripts.

            What I am specifically looking for is drill-down from generated (pdf, html etc) reports & drll down to subreports. This can be done through text hyperlinks/MIME's, but can this be done from chart slices.

    Pointers to any tool or technology will be really helpful.



  8. Hello iReport Pandits  ,

             I am trying to find out, if it is possible to allow report users to click on various jasper/jfreechart reports and drill-down to subsequent reports or data. I clearly understand that this can be done programmatically on dashboards & analysis views through jsp's & java scripts.

            What I am specifically looking for is drill-down from generated (pdf, html etc) reports & drll down to subreports. This can be done through text hyperlinks/MIME's, but can this be done from chart slices.



  9. Hello Report Pandits  ,

             I am trying to find out, if it is possible to allow report users to click on various jasper/jfreechart reports and drill-down to subsequent reports or data. I clearly understand that this can be done programmatically on dashboards & analysis views through jsp's & java scripts.

            What I am specifically looking for is drill-down from generated (pdf, html etc) reports & drll down to subreports. This can be done through text hyperlinks/MIME's, but can this be done from chart slices.



  10. Folks

    I am trying to output a report as HTML, the eventual goal to actully stream the HTML into an HTML email rather than to screen.

                    PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
                    JRHtmlExporter htmlExporter = new JRHtmlExporter();
                    htmlExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jPrint);
                    htmlExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, pw);

    There is an image on the page, but it's none of the areas marked with the missing image cross or the other funny blank squares. I cant use an ImageServlet because I am not hosting a web application. I get request and have to return a html with the images intact. Any Idea how I can achieve this.



  11. Folks

    I am trying to output a report as HTML, the eventual goal to actully stream the HTML into an HTML email rather than to screen.

                    PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
                    JRHtmlExporter htmlExporter = new JRHtmlExporter();
                    htmlExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jPrint);
                    htmlExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_WRITER, pw);

    There is an image on the page, but it's none of the areas marked with the missing image cross or the other funny blank squares. I cant use an ImageServlet because I am not hosting a web application. I get request and have to return a html with the images intact. Any Idea how I can achieve this.



  12. All,

              Is it possible, for an analyst for example, to view a generated report, provide some analysis comments on the reported data, before distributing the report to the target audience group.

              Right now, it looks like a report can be scheduled on a timely basis and directly forwarded to a distribution list, Is it possible to have a small, kind of, workflow inbetween.

              The second question is, will a jasper user be able to subscribe for a set of reports which are already scheduled (by admin), something like a subscription feature, or RSS feed.

             I understand that with jasper server, both the above functionalities can be custom build with a web interface, but SHERMAN, do you have something out of box for this.




  13. Hi All,

             I am working on generating a Gantt chart and trying to bring in overlapping schedules, viz, for example, if I have a task which have 3 sub tasks, A, B, & C, which happen b/w 01/Dec - 03/Dec, 02/Dec-06-Dec, 04/Dec - 08/Dec respectively, the sub-tasks of the main task have some overlapping schedules.

           I want to plot the schedules against the main task and show the 3 sub activities correspondingly with different colors in the same row. If the schedules are overlapping, the lines representing the overlapping schedules should also overlap.

         In the current default graph, the lines are plotted one below the other. Are there any chart options which can be modified. With very minimal documentation, I am hardly able to figure out an option to achieve this.



  14. I have a simple schema xml and a simple OLAP query

    select {[Measures].[Ticket Count]} on columns, {[Product Category].[All Product Categories]} on ROWS from [TroubleTicket]


    When I execute the analysis, I get the following excepton. There is no error pointing to my MDX syntax. Any pointers would be really helpful.

    javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy





    <?xml version="1.0"?><Schema name="Ticket">	<Dimension name="Call Type">		<Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="CALLTYPECODE">			<Table name="calltype"/>			<Level name="Call Type Name" column="CALLTYPENAME" uniqueMembers="true"/>			<!-- Level name="Call Type Descr" column="CALLTYPEDESC" uniqueMembers="true"/ -->		</Hierarchy>	</Dimension>	<Dimension name="Product Category">		<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="All Product Categories" primaryKey="PRODUCTCATEGORYCODE">			<Table name="productcategory"/>			<Level name="Product Category Name" column="PRODUCTCATEGORYCODENAME" uniqueMembers="true"/>			<!-- Level name="Product Category Descr" column="PRODUCTCATEGORYCODEDESC" uniqueMembers="true"/ -->		</Hierarchy>	</Dimension>		<Dimension name="Trouble Ticket">		<Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="TICKETID">			<Table name="troubleticket"/>			<Level name="Date Opened" column="WHENOPENED" uniqueMembers="false"/>			<!-- <Level name="Ticket Title" column="TITLE" uniqueMembers="true"/>			<Level name="Priority" column="PRIORITY" uniqueMembers="true"/>			<Level name="Equipment Name" column="EQUIPMENTTYPENAME" uniqueMembers="true"/>			<Level name="Ticket Status" column="TICKETSTATUSDESC" uniqueMembers="true"/> -->		</Hierarchy>	</Dimension>		<Cube name="TroubleTicket">		<Table name="troubleticket"/>		<DimensionUsage name="Trouble Ticket" source="Trouble Ticket" foreignKey="TICKETID"/>		<DimensionUsage name="Call Type" source="Call Type" foreignKey="CALLTYPECODE"/>		<DimensionUsage name="Product Category" source="Product Category" foreignKey="PRODUCTCATEGORYCODE"/>		<Measure name="Ticket Count" column="TICKETID" aggregator="count" formatString="#,###"/>	</Cube></Schema>
  15. Hi All,

            I am trying to set Role privileges in the Mondrian schema & upload the schema for Jasper Analysis. I have prepared <Role tag in the schema itself and I am trying to verify the role privileges.

          But for all users & Roles, it shows the same analysis view. The data is never sensored as per my role tag. I am not able to figure out where the <Role name="abc"> is mapped to inside user/roles (Manage tab) in Jasper Server. It would be great if anybody could help explain this mapping or point to the right documentation. I am right now trying to do as per what's described in the Mondrian guide.



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