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  1. Hi guy, I want to add a new search field for report date in the report output page. Does anyone know how to do? Thanks in advance. Bui Quy Duc
  2. Hi Rajendra Tamba, Thank you very much about your replies. One more question related to this topic. In case of content is styled from RTF file, how do I fill values ? The content like below: Dear All, I’ve always believed that "Destiny is only by choice and not by chance" and I am glad that I chose to join ABC. If I hadn’t I would’ve missed meeting so many wonderful people, building on both personal and professional relationships and getting once in a lifetime experience. The day has come when I have to say goodbye to a place which became my second home away from home. This eventful and joyous journey in company started on 22/12/2009. The heaven called John where I had the best days of my life with some of the most wonderful people of Development batch. My heartiest thank you to my friends whom I spent most of my time with be it arguing on some topic to pulling each other’s leg .. Thanks, Bui Quy Duc Post Edited by buiquyduc at 01/24/2011 04:06
  3. Hi Rajendra Tambat, Thank you for your replies. Sorry for my very short description the issue. Actualy, my issue is have a text paragraph and somewhere in that paragraph, I need to fill data to that, for example, I have the sample letter below: Dear All, I’ve always believed that "Destiny is only by choice and not by chance" and I am glad that I chose to join %1. If I hadn’t I would’ve missed meeting so many wonderful people, building on both personal and professional relationships and getting once in a lifetime experience. The day has come when I have to say goodbye to a place which became my second home away from home. This eventful and joyous journey in company started on %2. The heaven called %3 where I had the best days of my life with some of the most wonderful people of %4 batch. My heartiest thank you to my friends whom I spent most of my time with be it arguing on some topic to pulling each other’s leg .. ....... Where %1,%2,%3,%4 are places that I need to fill from fields get from database. I assumed have fields and values field1 = ABC field2 = 22/12/2009 field3 = John field4 = Development Then the letter will be like: Dear All, I’ve always believed that "Destiny is only by choice and not by chance" and I am glad that I chose to join ABC. If I hadn’t I would’ve missed meeting so many wonderful people, building on both personal and professional relationships and getting once in a lifetime experience. The day has come when I have to say goodbye to a place which became my second home away from home. This eventful and joyous journey in company started on 22/12/2009. The heaven called John where I had the best days of my life with some of the most wonderful people of Development batch. My heartiest thank you to my friends whom I spent most of my time with be it arguing on some topic to pulling each other’s leg .. ....... Thanks in advance Duc Bui Post Edited by buiquyduc at 11/23/2010 08:08
  4. Hi all, Does anyone know how to add static text, layout content from RTF files to a report? Right now, I have a lot of formatted documentations and saved in RTF files format. What I want is design reports that use the layout and static text content from these rtf files. Thanks in advance Duc Bui
  5. I have two field1 and field2 and they hold data from database, for example their values are {"123", "sample"}. What I want is like below: ........... The first parameterized is 123 and the second is sample. ........... Bui Quy Duc
  6. Hi all, Does any one know how to create a combination of text and data fields to a report like below: .......... The first parameterized is %1 and the second is %2. ......... Where %1 and %2 are merged fields that will be filled by data get from database. Thanks in adavance. Duc Bui Post Edited by buiquyduc at 11/23/2010 02:33
  7. Hi all, I have some rtf files and I want to display their content to a report. If any one know how to do, please help me. Thank in advance. Duc Bui
  8. Hello teodord, At present, I design an web application using JSF, Spring, Hibernate and JasperReport to generate report to PDF file format. When I using iReport version 3.6 to design a report after set Windows's font folder to classpath of iReport, it generate PDF ok, but when I run my web application to export report to PDF file I got exception: ................. Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Could not load the following font : pdfFontName : ARIALUNI.TTF pdfEncoding : Identity-H isPdfEmbedded : true at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.getFont(JRPdfExporter.java:1819) ........................ Even though copied Unicode font file (ARIALUNI.TTF) to WEB-INF\lib folder and do the following code: HashMap fontMap = new HashMap(); FontKey key = new FontKey("Arial Unicode", true, false); PdfFont font = new PdfFont("ARIALUNI.TTF", "Identity-H", true); fontMap.put(key, font); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString()); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.FONT_MAP, fontMap); exporter.exportReport(); Could you please give me the solution to solve this problem. Thank in advance Bui Quy Duc
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