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  1. I have the driver JAR in the options classpath as well as my Windows system environment CLASSPATH, no go.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if someone can help me figure out how to add a JDBC driver to iReport. Here's the steps I've taken: JasperReports 3.5.1 Pro installed JDBC driver JAR copied to C:\JasperReports\jasperserver-pro-3.5.1\ireport\ide8\modules\ext, next to MySQL and PostgreSQL jars. Bring up iReport. Go into Window->Services. Select Drivers, New Driver... Add/select my JDBC JAR. I've noticed that the Find button doesn't find the Driver class even though I can see it in the JAR and I know it's an instance of java.sql.Driver. Type in the driver class name in manually. Try to connect using my format of the Database URL. Observe that the Dialog is hanging, with the progress indicator just scanning. No activity on our server console. Nothing in our custom JDBC driver log file.I'd appreciate any pointers or suggestions.
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