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Posts posted by thanatonaute

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to implement my first CustomDS. Acutally this custom ds is allow to perform nfdump queries within a report.

    I made the following files:

    - WEB-INF/nfdumpds.properties

    - WEB-INF/applicationContext-nfdumpDS.xml

    - and the java classes I put under WEB-INF/classes:






    I see the new datasource is available in jasperserver but when i try to create one I'm getting the null pointer exception below,  which reffers to "newReportDataSource" function.

    It seems that the serviceClass from the serviceClasseName in the xml bean file can't be loaded.

    I just don't understand why :s

    (I'm far from beeing an expert in java ;)

    Someone may give me a hint ?


    (I'm using jasperserver 3.7 ce)


    Post Edited by thanatonaute at 06/16/2011 10:32
  2. Hi,


    Multi SELECT input in parameter forms are not scrollable. the SELECT input extends as the items get longer.

    I edited the DefaultParameterform.jsp file with common code but it doesn't work. It just cuts the input.

    Is any better web developper than me ? ;)


    Post Edited by thanatonaute at 08/26/2010 13:54

    Post Edited by thanatonaute at 08/26/2010 14:25
  3. I figured out how to print a message on graphs when there is no data :

    using the plot function "setNoDataMessage" ;)

    CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot) chart.getPlot();       plot.setNoDataMessageFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD,20));plot.setNoDataMessagePaint(Color.RED);plot.setNoDataMessage("Il n'y a pas de résultats correspondant à votre requête");
  4. Hi, 

    I have a customizer which works well, I already use it to remove axis and other things when the chart has no data (I have to display pages even if the datasets I use to fill charts return no data).

    Now I want to swith the chart mode from opaque to transparent to reveal a text  "NO DATA" beneath.

    the code I use is " jasperChart.setMode(ModeEnum.TRANSPARENT);"  I print the ligne after "System.out.println(jasperChart.getModeValue());" for debug.

    I always get "OPAQUE" in logs  and yet the chart is still opaque ;).

    Any idea ?

    thanks :)



  5. Hi,

    I've got some issues whith jasperserver's parameter form :

    When I try to manually edit a date input control (instead of using the popup calendar) sometimes the text blinks or disappears.

    This can get very frustrating :/

    The second problem :

    I use two cascading input controls. The first one is a multi select query wich rely on the date input ctrl and a filename (a static select input ctrl). When I set a date and select a filename the list is update and I can make the selection. All goes well.

    The second cascading input control is a multi select query wich rely on a diferent input control (a static drop down list).

    Two bugs occurs when the second casdading input control is updated  :

     - some item selected in the first cascading input control are deselected (the first or the last item of the list if they had been selected)
     - the second dynamic list (the second cascading input control) starts blinking.

    (I use Firefox as my browser)

    If someone has ever encounter this and solved it, please help ;p





  6. Hi Jan,

    Actually I call the report from JasperServer.

    Ireport is connectet to the JasperServer Server and files are directly modified there.

    I really really need this feature. If you have a solution i will give it a try. Event if I have to move from JasperServer ;)



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