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  1. Hi Guys, I've already posted this issue with another topic, but unfurtunatlly did not get any reply. My problem is : Suppose there is a compiled report and associated subreports. I load the report (by JRLoader.loadObject), browse all field elements, modify the PdfFontName and PdfEncoding. If the visiting element be instance of JRSubreport, after loading of it (by JRLoader.loadObject) the same action taken. After modifying the mentioned attributes, I use JasperRunManager.runReportToPdf to produce my report in PDF format. Well, the issue is that mofications on subreport will lost because there is not any linking between the loaded master report object and subreports. I could not find the right API to do my job correctly. Apprecaite all comments.
  2. Hi Guys, My case is as follow: Assume there is a master report which uses some other sub-reports. I load the master one (by JRLoader::loadObject()) then browse all element fields to modify PdfFontName and PdfEncoding according to my locale. In browsing of elements if I encounter to a sub-report then try to load it as well (in another JasperReport object) and again browsing the sub-report elements to modify the mentioned attributes. Finally I use JasperRunManager.runReportToPdf on master one to generate report. The problem is that my modification on sub-report lost because the JasperReport objects of sub-reports is not linking with master one . How could I link JasperReport objects of sub-reports to master? Regards, -- afshin
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