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Posts posted by kpant

  1. 1) You have to convert your adhoc reports into simple reports & there will be no more dashboard

    2) Internally pro adds an additional nomenclature to the path where all the resources are saved, deployed & executed.

    3) Additional jars are provided in the pro version.

    Best is, download a free version and run your few reports on this version... it will take only a day.


  2. Dashboard has its own input controls, and customized URL link.... to create tabs in dashboard will not be possible as it will need coding to create tabs, you can create differnt links which will take u to different reports, and also a dashboard within a dashboard


    In your main report which you will put on your dashboard you can create small tabs (static buttons) which will take you to different reports :)

    Hope it helps


  3. Since your date range is your input parameter, you already have it as a PARAMETER ($P{DATE_RANGE})

    Create a parameter in your sub-report as $P{SUB_DATE_RANGE}

    Selecet Subreport section, goto parameter mapping in properties panel, add a mapping value which maps $P{DATE_RANGE} to  $P{SUB_DATE_RANGE}

    just make sure both main & subreport date parameters have same data type as date


  4. Hi,

    I have created a report in iReport and uploaded it in Jasperserver.

    When I run that report in iReport it gives me correct data but when I run it on jasperserver the data changes, even the cell size changes are not reflected correctly in jasperserver. Is it some caching issue on jasperserver.

    The data is of type date. When running on iReport it gives me 26/08/2009 00:00 but on jasperserver it gives me 25/08/2009 23:00. I cannot understand why this 1 hr difference is coming on jasperserver where all datatypes are date and not datetime




    Post Edited by kpant at 12/29/2009 14:21
  5. Hi,

    I want to create some flash reports through iReport (I have iReport 3.6.1).... The charts which are there are just normal charts, I want the funnel, world map and etc as in samples..... how do i create them in iReport3.6.1

    Also I want these flash charts/maps to be seen in dashboard of jasperserver-pro 3.5.... how do i do that.... there is no tutorial for this....  Any help will be appreciated, its urgent..... Thanks in advance....


  6. Hi,

    I want to create some flash reports through iReport (I have iReport 3.6.1).... The charts which are there are just normal charts, I want the funnel, world map and etc as in samples..... how do i create them in iReport3.6.1

    Also I want these flash charts/maps to be seen in dashboard of jasperserver 3.5.... how do i do that.... there is no tutorial for this....  Any help will be appreciated, its urgent..... Thanks in advance....



  7. Hi Sherman,

    The problem I was facing was because of the incorrect version of the mysql-connector-java-5.1.5.jar which is shipped with the war file of jasperserver-pro-bin-3.5.1 and even documented.

    This driver class does not support websphere fully, therefore I was not able to create new user, report, organization etc.

    The correct ver of jar is mysql-connector-java-5.1.7.jar .

    I have already raised this with the jasper support people and have asked them to update the war file and the related documents....

    Thanks for your time.....


  8. Hi,

    I have Jasperserver-pro3.5 running in Websphere6.1.

    1) When I try to create a user or organization it gives me error:-

    ServletWrappe E   SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception thrown in one of the service methods of the servlet: /WEB-INF/decorators/main.jsp. Exception thrown : java.lang.NullPointerException

    at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.impl.UserAuthorityServiceImpl.getSourceAuthentication(UserAuthorityServiceImpl.java:829)


    2) When I try to generate report name 'Claim Detail Report ' (sample report) I get an error

    at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.jdbc.WSJdbcPreparedStatement.<init>(WSJdbcPreparedStatement.java:257)
    at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.jdbc.WSJdbcConnection.createPreparedStatementWrapper(WSJdbcConnection.java:1170)

    Thanks in Advance......

    Post Edited by kpant at 10/28/2009 16:26
  9. Hi,

    Trusted IP property is set in your Application Server (ex Tomcat).

    If you are using Tomcat it will be set in


    The jasperserver folder will be formed automatically after u successfully install jasperserver with your app server.

    The above path is for the inbuilt application server.......

    Hope this helps

    Post Edited by kpant at 10/19/2009 10:33
  10. Lil bit of success at last.....

    The setup.xml file of ..jasperserver-pro-3.5-binbuildomatic does not support websphere....

    I made certain changes which are :-

    1) Add an extra <elseif> tag for websphere like

                    <available file="${appServerDir}/lib/startup.jar"/>
                        <property name="appServerType" value="websphere"/>
                        <property name="appServerJdbcDir" value="${appServerDir}/lib"/>
                        <property name="appServerWorkDir" value="${appServerDir}/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/HPDX24004XHSNode01Cell"/>

    2) Add an extra <case value="websphere"> tag and change it to whereever you want to create the war file

                   <case value="websphere">
                        <property name="warTargetDir" value="C:/Program Files/jasperserver-pro-3.5-bin/${webAppName}.war"/>

    3) And also need to change the js.quartz.properties for report.scheduler.web.deployment.uri

    Install the application in your websphere. Run the jasperserver on port 9080......


    Post Edited by kpant at 10/16/2009 11:32
  11. I did that but not through buildomatic as the setup.xml does not support 'Websphere' Application server.

    If someone have the properties to be set for Websphere it will be great.....

    for tomcat the code in setup.xml is:-

                    <available file="${appServerDir}/lib/servlet-api.jar"/>
                        <property name="appServerType" value="tomcat"/>
                        <property name="appServerJdbcDir" value="${appServerDir}/lib"/>
                        <property name="appServerWorkDir" value="${appServerDir}/work/Catalina/localhost"/>

    I want it for Websphere6.0..... I am not getting much help on it

    Even mysql from cmd does not work in jasperserver-pro-[ver]-bin as ..\jasperserver-pro-3.5-bin\buildomatic\install_resources\sql\mysql does not have any mysql executables. I tried to copy the mysql executables from other folder but no luck....

  12. Hi,

    I am using jasperserver-pro.war file of jasperserver-pro-3.5-bin in Websphere 6.1 But getting these errors.

    My JNDI is correctly mapped in hibernate.properties ,context.xml

    Can anyone help me with this.

    Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'quartzScheduler' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException: Failure occured during job recovery. [see nested exception: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.LockException: Failure obtaining db row lock: No database selected [see nested exception: java.sql.SQLException: No database selected]]Caused by: org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException: Failure occured during job recovery. [see nested exception: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.LockException: Failure obtaining db row lock: No database selected [see nested exception: java.sql.SQLException: No database selected]]
  13. Hi,

     I am using jasper-pro WAR file in websphere but getting error:-

    [13/10/09 15:45:08:734 BST] 0000001b WebApp        A   SRVE0180I: [jasperserver-pro_war#jasperserver-pro.war] [/jasperserver-pro] [servlet.LOG]: Loading WebApplicationContext for Spring FrameworkServlet 'jasperserver'
    [13/10/09 15:45:08:734 BST] 0000001b SystemOut     O 15:45:08,734 ERROR DispatcherServlet,WebContainer : 1:229 - Context initialization failed
    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Error registering bean with name 'defaultWebDeploymentInformation' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml]: Could not resolve placeholder 'quartz.web.deployment.uri'

    During my configuration process I havent changed anyrhing with quartz (did as given in JasperServer Professional Installation Guide)

    Can anyone suggest what the issue is...... Thnx in advance....

  14. FINALLY!!!!!! After hitting my head on this problem for past 2 days I have come to the solution that the common-dbcp.jar needs to be fixed for Informix. Since in Informix there is no way we can change the Read Only mode property.

    Since *.jar are risky to customize its better we create a JNDI connection for Informix rather than JDBC. For this we need to change web.xml (WEB-INF) and context.xml (META-INF) and then we can run report in jasperserver using Informix database.....

  15. Hi,

    I have successfully plugged in iReport 3.6 with Jasperserver-pro 3.5. I created a report using Informix database which is working fine in iReport 3.6. But when running in Jasperserver its giving error:-

    Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Could not create a validated object
    , cause: Read only mode not supported
            at org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(GenericOb

    I tried out the following things but no success:-

    1) Added   <prop key="*">ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED </prop> in all class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean"

    2) Changed the jpivot-tags.xml with connectionpooling=false. There seems to be a problem with GenericObjectPool.java of tomcat or something else....  If anyone has a clue how to fix it do respond.....


  16. Thnx Matt.... I will post my prob in JS forum too... I am using JDBC connection for Informix. JS 3.6 is still not out so I added some connection-*.jar to JS pro 3.5. My aim is to create report with iReports 3.6 new feature along with JS pro 3.5 and informix.

    There seems to be a problem with GenericObjectPool.java of commons-el.jar in JasperServer Pro 3.5 which is different from GenericObjectPool.java of commons-pool-1.3.jar in iReport 3.6. I am finding it tricky and risky to change any class file of any jar. Do you have any idea whether it is possible.

  17. Hi,

    I have successfully plugged in iReport 3.6 with Jasperserver-pro 3.5. I created a report using Informix database which is working fine in iReport 3.6. But when running in Jasperserver its giving error:-

    Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Could not create a validated object
    , cause: Read only mode not supported
            at org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(GenericOb

    I tried out the following things but no success:-

    1) Added   <prop key="*">ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED </prop> in all class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean"

    2) Changed the jpivot-tags.xml with connectionpooling=false. There seems to be a problem with GenericObjectPool.java of tomcat or something else....  If anyone has a clue how to fix it do respond..... KPant

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