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Posts posted by leo0o0o

  1. i post a screenshot where you can see the textfield "argomenti". The text is "questa è una prova" repeated more times. As you can see the text of "Argomenti" on the top is only a line and in the bottom the text is more long. You can see that the text ends with "questa è " but the text continues...

    i put here also a part of code.


    if you want i can paste the entire code... as you want

    Post Edited by leo0o0o at 09/18/2009 14:34
  2. Hi to everybody! I'm working with ireport and i found it fantastic! But... i've a problem... I have a textfield with the property "Strech with overflow" checked. It works well untill a sort of maximum lenght of this texfield area... I don't know how and why...

    The textfield is stretched up to a sort of upper limit.

    Is there anyone who can explain or help me in this problem?

    Thanks, Leo

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