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Posts posted by pintusingha

  1. Hi,

    I am using Jasper report 4.5.1 version to generate excel reports and the exporter used is JRXlsxExporter . The filling operation is consuming quite a significant amount of time and  I do understand that filling is an expensive operarion which implements AWT classes. Will upgrading of jasper reports to higher version help me in reducing filling and export time, because Jasper reports version 5.0.0,5.0.1 and 5.2.0 indicates about perfomance enhancement. Please suggest .





  2. Hello everyone,


    I need to have a grouping in stacked bar using i-report having xml as my datasource.I think i-report does't support this kind of design but might be using customizer class will serve my purpose.I have also gone through StackedBarChartDemo4.java sample of  jfreechart,still i am not getting a clue how to achieve it in jasper reports.Can anyone please help me....Thanks in advance.I have attached the sample chart.



  3. Hi everyone,

    In i-report 3.7.2 (Latest version) if  Image element  is used for designing, then the tab "Scale Image" in the properties menu is always set to "Retain Shape" by default and other options "clip", "Fill frame","Real size", "Real height" can't be selected.Seems like a bug in this new version(3.7.2).

    Whereas this is absolutely working fine with i-report 3.7.1.If image element is used while designing with i-report 3.7.1 and if this template is opened in i-report 3.7.2 then modifications can be made in the "Scale Image" in i-report 3.7.2 also accordingly.

    Please confirm me if i am right.



    Pintu  :-)





  4. Hi David,

    If u put a condition on the subreports  "print when expression"  then the subreport will  be called depending on the  condition being satisfied and will print ,in ur case the parameter which u have  specified...else the subreport wont be called  if ur condition fails.



  5. Hi dheerajsea123,

    Yup its possible....

    Step1:Click on the subreport  icon in the main report and go to its properties

    Step2:U will see a tab call "Parameters"probably at the end(Coz m using ireport-3.7.1,for earlier versions just look for "Parameters" tab in the subreport properties)

    Step3:Now click on the ADD button and in the "value expression " assigned the field that u wanna pass to the subreport and in the "Subreport Parameter name" just type the name of the field.

    Step4:Now go the subreport template and create a new parameter with the same name that u have assigned in the "Subreport Parameter name".Thats how u pass field to a subreport.

    Hope ur problem is solved

    *U can even return values from the subreport to the main report and vice-versa.




  6. I feel using multi-axis chart is a good aproach to handle multiple chart types in one single chart but in that case each chart type will have a different y-axis  in a single chart.I need to have a single y-axis for multiple chart types in a single chart.

    Can anyone suggest me how to handle this.

    Infact if anyone could suggest a gud approach for such kind of charts will be of great help!!!!!!!!

    Thanks in advance.

  7. Hi everyone,

    I have to generate a graph as shown in the attached file.Kindly have a look on it.This graph seems to be a combination of BAR and LINE chart displayed together with same x-axis and y-axis numbering.I would like to know if these can be achieved and if so how.I guess overlapping of a  BAR  chart and a LINE chart will be the approach.If anyone could  provide me some clues it would be much appreciated.





  8. Hi,

    I have created a report in iReport 3.7.0 with few static fields and dynamic fields.

    I am populating the dynamic fields through a JavaBeans datasource.

    Now, as per the requirement, we have to use the jasper file created by iReport in our project workspace independent of iReport.

    The static fields remain as they are, but the dynamic fields are disappearing from the output PDF generated using the jasper file.

    Any idea where its going wrong.

    Note : The pdf is getting generated properly in iReports previewer.

    Thanks in advance and please someone guide me through this.Its urgent....


  9. Hi,

    I have one master report and one subreport.I am feeding a bean object to my subreport to retreive certain fields which is coming fine when i run the subreport.My problem is when i link the subreport with my main report i cannot retreive proper data.I understand that the problem lies in the "datasource expression" which i am not clear of what exactly to use during the subreport wizard creation.I am using i-report 3.7 and i have given the classpath for the jar for the bean object and the connectiondatasourceset for javabeans is also fine.My doubt is only in the connection type and the datasource expression to use in the subreport creation wizard.Please help me out with proper steps.Thanks.

    Post Edited by pintusingha at 01/19/2010 12:45
  10. Hi,

    I am using i-report 3.7.0.I am using javabeans datasource connection.My bean looks as follws:

    package org.springframework.samples.jasperdemo.web;

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource;

    public class ChartBean {
        private Integer month;
        private Integer year;
        private Integer orders;

        public Integer getMonth() {
            return month;
        public void setMonth(Integer month) {
            this.month = month;
        public Integer getYear() {
            return year;
        public void setYear(Integer year) {
            this.year = year;
        public Integer getOrders() {
            return orders;
        public void setOrders(Integer orders) {
            this.orders = orders;
        public JRBeanCollectionDataSource createMyDataSource()
            JRBeanCollectionDataSource jRBeanCollectionDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(ChartBean.createMyCollection());      
            return jRBeanCollectionDataSource;  
        public static Collection createMyCollection()
            ArrayList beans = new ArrayList();
            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
                ChartBean bean = new ChartBean();
            return beans;  

    In the main report my subreport properties are set as:

    <subreport runToBottom="false">
                    <reportElement x="42" y="30" width="200" height="14"/>
                    <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["report1_subreport1.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>

    I am feeding this bean to my subreport and while previewing the subreport itself  i have been able to get the output as attached below "subreport.doc".
    But while i run the report from the master report i get the same output but the first row is knocked out as shown in the attached file "mainreport.doc".I cant guess why its knocked off.
    Iam not quite sure about the "datasource expression" which i am using while creating the subreport wizard.Can anyone please guide how to link a subreport in my set example.My basic requirement is to
    keep this bean in the subreport and try to execute from the master report.

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