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Posts posted by mkchechu

  1. Hi,

    We have integrated the JasperReports to our product. We have noticed that the look and feel among the different outputs say HTML, PDF and XLS are different. The space between the labels and text values (in Header section) in HTML output is as expected whereas there is more space in PDF. Also Vertical alignment for the columns is bottom aligned, but in PDF is it is top aligned. It looks as expected in HTML & XLS but not in PDF. We need only specified 1 space between labels and text values, and column should be bottom aligned in PDF output.

    I have attached screen shot for your perusal.

    Please advise us.



  2.  Hi,

    We are facing problem with data which is exported into Excel sheet from jasper object.

    data will displayed as " #####" in some cases and data is not able to readable by any user.

    i have attached  excel sheet in which data is not properly displayed and not in proper format.

    For your reference i have attached the screen shot of report and same displayed in XL sheet after exporting.

    To show this issue i have marked with red circle in the attached screen shot, it will displayed as "#####" in xl sheet.

    there are so many fields like this and as well data will be squashed in the field .


    please provide your valuable suggestions to resolve this issue





    Post Edited by mkchechu at 01/08/2010 10:11
  3. Hi,

    We have integrated jasper reports into our product.we are facing below stated problem in the reports.

    Problem: Data  row height and width are not consistent through out the report

     we are facing too much of space the each field of the report.

    Just for your reference,I am attaching screen shot. 

    Properties set to first three columns(Firm Name,Analysis Id ,Analysis Name )as below:

    1)Print In First Whole Band true

    2)Print When Detail Overflows true

    3) Stretch With Overflow true

    All remaining columns has same properties.

    Here in the attached screen shot , i have mentioned the problem of spaces in red color circle.First row data fields has too much of spaces when compare to rest of the rows.

    In the second circle, we have data too long in the row, that is for analysis name. Data is truncated there and displaying more space under the content in the field.

    please provide your valuable suggestion to avoid these kind of space.


    Post Edited by mkchechu at 01/08/2010 09:35

    Post Edited by mkchechu at 01/08/2010 09:37
  4. Hi,

    I apologize if this is a very simple question. But I could not find any examples in the excellent documents.

    I would like to know the number of rows/records that are going to be displayed in the report. Also, want to know the total number of rows/records that displayed in the sub reports too.

    I need this to show the error message say "No records available for the input criteria entered" if there are no rows/records to be displayed in the detail band. Means, if there are no rows to be displayed in the detail band for the input query string/parameters then I would like to display the error message in the screen instead of showing empty report having header columns and report title.

    //Map parameters;
    //JasperReport jasperReport;

    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, connection);

    Please guide me how I can achieve this.

    It would be great help if you provide me the code snippet.

    Thanks in advance.


  5. Hi,

    Problem: It is obsevred that JasperPrint object becoming null.

    Scenarios: We have developed the Jasper Reports. We are keeping the JasperPrint object into http session in backing bean, and while displaying we get it from session and display in HTML format. Sometime (most frequently) we are getting the null value in the session for JasperReport object. But we are not able to consistently reproduce the same issue. I mean, the same code works fine.

    The problem is we are not getting the same issue consistently.

    Could you please suggest us if you have any clue.

    Please let me know if need any more details.

    Thanks and regards,

  6. Hi,

    It is observed that the number of records displayed in a report page depends on the height of the report and not on the specified number of rows to be displayed.

    Please let us know how to over come this issue. We want the specified number of rows to be displayed in the report page.

    Please let us know if more information is required



  7. Hi,

    We have a report in which the column values repeat. We need to supress repeating values. In order to do this, we have checked thePrintRepeatedValues option. However we find that border of the column disappears in this case.

    We are using iReport for designing the report

    Could any one of you help us in finding out a solution to this problem






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