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  1. hello :) hmmm, perhaps you try out to replace following public class calculate extends JRDefaultScriptlet with public class calculateScriptlet extends JRDefaultScriptlet hmmm the Scriptlet class must be ending with "Scriptlet" you see, the class name "calculate" is not enaugh, you need a name like "calculateScriptlet" its concate the JRXML-File-Name with the Key-Name Scriptlet greetz pfenig Post Edited by pfennnig at 10/21/2009 06:58
  2. hello :) hmmm, i-Report have an own Classpath, you must set up the Driver class into this, too after this doing, you must connect your Database with your own Databasecontact informations in the Attachments you can find two pictures where you could see what i mean you can test your configuration, if the connetion test isn't successfull perhaps your connectioninformations have a faillure or the databaseservice is not running, i have test it with my Databse driver,, perhaps you have a different driver, in princip is the equal way but you must check out what your Database need for informations,, also it give much different databases for which you need different Driver and all this Database need different Connection informations perhaps you send what a Database you use :) greetz Pfennig
  3. hello dgoldenberg hmmm, i miss the adding the [driver.jar] in the clathpath from ireport, it is java uses, by me is it in following way, i have add my [driver-class.jar] in the classpath which you can find under the environmentvariables from windows(i think you don't need it for I-Report only ), and in the next step i add this [driver-class.jar] in the classpath from i-report which you can find if you want the menu extras/option/Classpath there you could add the jar with the jar-add-funktion in my excample i use the mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar i get the connection to my sql Database without problems on this way :) perhaps it help you greets Pfennig Post Edited by pfennnig at 10/08/2009 10:23
  4. Thank you MDahlman for your answer :) it was so like you say, it was a syntaxproblem but more by the cmd console than by the editet startup.bat i has worked i-Report under Windows 2000 and there, the cmd.exe is presented in an old version so that it can't read raws with more than 1000 characters. one raw in this datei have more than 1000 characters, because it include the complete classpath which i-rep need to work :) i've test it under Windows XP and a newer version from cmd.exe and there is it running wonderfull yay nice regards, Pfennig
  5. hmmm, hello :) in the rule, you can storrage the images than blob into a database, you could read it out and cast it to a datastream the datastream is available in Jasper than java.io.InputStream as object model which you can chose you can it implementate in a Scriptlet for Jasper a little excample which i use by myself it is usefull if you get the image from Database from Type Image and is realy easy to handling with following syntax in next Scriptlet Methods Image Picture = new Picture(); Picture.getPicture(PATH); return ReturnInputStreamFromImage(Picture); best regards Pfennig Code:public ByteArrayOutputStream KonvertImageToByteArray(Image toKonvertImage) throws JRScriptletException{ BufferedImage BufPic = (BufferedImage)toKonvertImage; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ImageIO.write( BufPic, "png", out ); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return out;}public InputStream ByteArrayOutputToInput(ByteArrayOutputStream toKonvertOutputStream) throws JRScriptletException{ ByteArrayOutputStream PictureOutputStream = toKonvertOutputStream; ByteArrayInputStream myInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(PictureOutputStream.toByteArray()); return (InputStream)myInputStream;}public InputStream ReturnInputStreamFromImage(Image toKonvertImage) throws JRScriptletException{ InputStream konvertetImage = ByteArrayOutputToInput(KonvertImageToByteArray(toKonvertImage)); return konvertetImage;}
  6. Hello @ all pfeeew, since a long long day i work on a little problem, puhh i hope i can find a little bit of some great help in this Forum maybe anyone could help me, because i have a little big poblem with I-Report 3.0 i attempt to create a report, but allways i get the bad exception "heap out of memory" I-Report can't fill my report :( i've ask the java runtime environment how much storrage i-Report used in their Javainstance, it say 512 MB my Problem is, to create my Report i need a little bit more memory, (i know it is realy much, but in moment it is my best solution) at first way, i have chose the required memory by the java console with the command java -Xmx1024m iReport (it is like i has read in spezial java literature :) (java for dummys)) lol i thougt this will help by my problem, but it don't it iReport can't accept this, i have look into the jconsole.exe to find out what a space of memory java use with my changes then i looked into the environmentdatas from I-Report and found the startup.bat in folder .\bin\startup.bat inthere i can chose the memory heap but it is the same like the value change in the java console, I-Report can't accept my choose now, my question :) give it an other way to choose the required heap space for the Java runtime engine ? i would help me sooooo much :) if anyone have an answere best regards Pfennig
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