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Posts posted by rushit

  1. Hi,

    While generating report we have seen that CPU suddenly becomes high when report is being generated. By doing some more analysis we found that this happens escpecially when you have large report to show. I saw some older posts on the forum that talks about the same issue. But I wanted to find out if in newer version of jasper reports any improvements been done on that?

    Or does someone have any pointers as to how to reduce this sudden CPU usages while report is generated?

    Thank you very much for your time and co-operation. Sorry if the question is being repeated but this is critical.

  2. Hi,

    Well let me see if i get this correct. You have set your page dimensions as 8*4cm and you are trying for a label in the same report with same dimension.

    If this is the case what about margins in report? if you have given some margin then, obviously report dimensions will be smaller for 8*4cm label field to be displayed.

    Check if you have such margins. If so remove them and see if your error goes away.

    Post Edited by rushit at 09/06/2010 13:00
  3. Hi,


    I am not sure if you can do so through iReport tool. but as a work around you can put your template jrxml file in {installed dir}\ireport\templates folder and restart your iReport app.


    The new jrxml file added will come as a template then.

  4. Hi,


    I have recently started using latest version of iReport. One thing I am missing is in earlier versions we used to have 'Total' as one of the avaiable functions in iReport Library. However in latest version I am having hard time to locate it.


    Does anyone know where could I find the same function in 3.7.3 version.?


    Thank you for your time.



  5. Hi,


    Let me understand what you are trying here. You have created a parameter in jasper report as type String. And you are passing a collection while executing this report.


    If that so all you have to is change parameter class to java.util.Collection in jasper report for that parameter.


    I am sorry if I have mis-understood your problem.


  6. Hi,

    First of all thanks for your briliant work in iReport. Its a fantastic tool.

    I have been using iReport for around 2 years now. I find that in earlier versions of iReport we used to have pop-up for property of a parameter, variable or field. This was very usefull and user friendly. With latest versions of iReport this has gone. Now we had to look around to search for different property settings (like hyperslinks, fonts, patterns). These all should be consolidated and shown in a sinlge window.


    Thank you

  7. Hi,


    I am not sure as to how you are exporting the report in excel. But while exporting you can set an attribute IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE or the JExcelApiExporter class to true. this will ensure that your excel will have correct cell types.


    hope that works out.


  8. Hi,

    I am using Jasper report to show some data on HTML and EXCEL. These reports show date and I have not set any specific date format for these on report layout. When I render them I get these date in format like 22/02/2010 15:30. What I want is the date to appear with just 22/02/2010. Hence excluding time component.

    I know that by setting date format I will get this result but I also want  date to appear as per the locale passed in report. With date format set I am not getting it.

    Can someone help me to know as to how this can be achieved?


    Thank you for you time.


  9. check the attached report file. I have done some changes....I am not able to understand the logic behind making a date field string that you are doing in query. You could have got the date field and then changed properties to display it as per your requirements. I have changed it back to date so that you get data in proper sorting order.

    You may just have to change the Field Class type for date1 in your report. I was unable to do so as i did not have your db.


    The other thing is you may consider when you run into situation where data is not appearing in the same row is to reduce the font size by one or two.


    Let me know if it works.

    Post Edited by rushit at 11/03/2009 10:43
  10. Got it....

    see the attached jrxml..... in this i have taken example that i attached earlier in the post. Here change the following things in crosstab properties and you will get your report.

    Right click on crosstab area and select CrossTab properties

    Go to Row and Column groups tab and change row group to your Date field retreived from query. change Column group to employee name column.

    Go to Measuer tab and select Store-in time as the Measuer expression.


    Then generate the report and see if you get the resutls. Let me know if it works....



  11. Ok..let me explain you my understanding of groups and i think i m correct here....

    So you have two groups in report. If you look at your report they will appear like thi


    group 1 header

    group 2 header


    group 2 footer

    group 1 footer


    so the way it executes is , first it will group the items by group1 and execute the header, now in that grouped items it will again arrange items by group 2 and execute group 2 header for all possible grouping of items. then detaill section will be executed. This will be follow by group 2 footer and group 1 footer.

    if still not clear check the example below

    You have Location, Stores and Daily sales information. One location has many stores and each store has its daily sales info.

    Now if i create a reprot where Group 1 is by location and group 2 by stores then my report will be like this


    Location 1

    Store 1

    ---------------------Sales info------------

    Sum of sales for Store 1

    Store 2

    ----------------------Sales info-------------

    Sum of sales for Store 2

    Sum of sales for Location 1

    Location 2

    Store 3

    --------------------Sales info------------

    Sum of sals for Store 3

    Sum of sales for Location 2


    Hope now its clear.






  12. Sorry about that.

    I am still not very clear about your requirement. see the attached pdf report and let me know if this the way you want your report.

    if not then please attach a sample report created in excel or word.... that might give better ideas as to what exactly you are trying to accomplish.


    thank you.

  13. Hi,


    You can define a new String parameter in report that will not be asked to the user for input. Now in default expression of this parameter put your condition like


    ($P{myflag}.equals(6)) ? "select fld1, fld2, fld3 from items WHERE item_status<>2 " : "select fld1, fld2, fld3 from items WHERE item_status=myflag"


    And then use this parameter directly in the query as $P!{conditional_Query}

  14. I think Crosstab will solve the problem you are having. Select column having store values as rows and months as columns. Put the value you want to display in the Measure and that should give you the desired results.


    Let me know if it does not work out.



  15. Hi,

    I am trying to generate report in excel format but one problem we are facing is with the way data is displayed in excel. if a field is of larger width is displayed below a field having less width then the report merge the cells in bottom row. This creates problem while selecting the data. It also results in some columns being hidden.


    I gather one solution would be to make sure that the width of each and every field on report is very precise to the fields being displayed above it. But is there any other solution to it?

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