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Posts posted by foyasing

  1.  Hi giulio,

    I am having problom to install nbm plugin into iReport standalone, I follow your step, but iReport still asking for jar dependency. I attach the nbm and project.xml.
    I folow these steps:

    1. Put your jars in the release/modules/ext  directory inside your module (<your module project>/release/modules/ext)

    2. For each jar, add this piece of xml to the project metadata (project.xml):


    The class-path-extension tags go immediatly after the tag </public-packages>

    And then, I create the nbm file, and I try to install this nbm plugin into iReport standalone, but iReport still asking for jar dependency.

    Please help, thanks a lot.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1">    <type>org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project</type>    <configuration>        <data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/nb-module-project/3">            <code-name-base>org.company.reportlogin</code-name-base>            <standalone/>            <module-dependencies>                <dependency>                    <code-name-base>org.openide.dialogs</code-name-base>                    <build-prerequisite/>                    <compile-dependency/>                    <run-dependency>                        <specification-version>7.10.1</specification-version>                    </run-dependency>                </dependency>                <dependency>                    <code-name-base>org.openide.util</code-name-base>                    <build-prerequisite/>                    <compile-dependency/>                    <run-dependency>                        <specification-version></specification-version>                    </run-dependency>                </dependency>            </module-dependencies>            <public-packages/>            <class-path-extension>                <runtime-relative-path>ext/org-openide-dialogs.jar</runtime-relative-path>                <binary-origin>release/modules/ext/org-openide-dialogs.jar</binary-origin>            </class-path-extension>            <class-path-extension>                <runtime-relative-path>ext/org-openide-util.jar</runtime-relative-path>                <binary-origin>release/modules/ext/org-openide-util.jar</binary-origin>            </class-path-extension>        </data>    </configuration></project>
  2. Hi anyone,

    I would like to add a simple plugin onto iReport, adding a couple of textbox for username and password in the toolbar (Please see the picture attached)..
    For datasource, I implement a QueryExecuter by extending JRAbstractQueryExecuter. I also implements FieldsProvider. The query executer will access my back-end engine to retrieve the data. But to access this engine, I need iReport to pass in the username and password via my query executer class into the back end engine. And these username and password should be retrieved from the textfields in the toolbar.  
    I wonder how I can pass these username and password value in textfields in the toolbar into my query executer class, so I can pass it to the back end engine??
    I suppose, logically, it will be similar to the datasource selector combobox. iReport plugin is able to access the selected datasource in the combobox. So what class in iReport can access this selected datasource in toolbar??
    Thank you
  3. Hi Teodor,

    Sorry for the double posts. Thanks for the input, I can now get the parameter value sent from iReport after implementing the JRQueryExecuter.

    I've got another issue, how can I get the fields from this custom query?
    Previously, I can do that by implementing JRDataSourceProvider.getFields().
    Is this facility provided in the Query Executer?

    Thanks a lot.


    NOTE: Nevermind about the above question, I found the interface to implement for this function.
    It's in com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.FieldsProvider
    Thanks anyway.

    Post Edited by foyasing at 08/17/2009 06:48

    Post Edited by foyasing at 08/17/2009 09:00
  4.  Hi Teodor,

    I need to create a java class with dynamic fields in it for JasperReport to reference and extract for reporting purposes as oppose to the conventional feature when it draws fields from a database table.


    So, my implementation of JRDataSourceProvider will get a Resultset from data access layer (JDBC) and this resultset can be from any table with different fields.


    The data structure that I pass from my data access layer is a collection of hashmap. The hashmap is a collection of fieldname and value of each record.



    If I dont use iReport, I know I can do the following:


    HashMap hm = new HashMap();
    hm.put(parameter, paramValue);
    JRMapCollectionDataSource mapCollection = new JRMapCollectionDataSource(xxx);
    JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(fileName, hm, mapCollection);


    Problem is: I need to use iReport.

    I attach my full impementation of JRDataSourceProvider class

    Thanks for your prompt response.






    Post Edited by foyasing at 08/14/2009 07:54

    Post Edited by foyasing at 08/14/2009 07:55
  5. Hi, is there any solution to this problem yet?

    I am also implementing JRDataSourceProvider and JRDataSource, and I need to customize the JRDatasource using a parameter passed in from iReport. How and where can I get the parameter value that I pass in from iReport? Can I get it in JRDataSourceProvider implementation?

    If I don't use iReport, I know I can use the JasperFillManager.fillReport and pass in a hashmap of parameter, and I can get the parameters from the parent application, but how to do this from iReport? Thanks, Arie

    Post Edited by foyasing at 08/14/2009 07:38
  6.  Hi

    I implements JRDataSourceProvider interface.
    In method  create(JasperReport report), I managed to get the custom parameter which i created in iReport.
    I attach the code for create method.

    But how do I retrieve the value for this parameter?
    Please help.


    public JRDataSource create(JasperReport report) throws JRException {        TestDataSource ds = null;        try {            JRParameter[] parameters = report.getParameters();            JRParameter param = null;            // I skip the 16 built-in parameters            if(parameters.length > 16){                for(int i=16; i<parameters.length; i++){                    param = parameters[i];                    ds = new TestDataSource(db.getValues(param.getName(), "680"));                }            }else{                ds = new TestDataSource(db.getValues("userid", ""));            }        } catch (Exception ex) {            ex.printStackTrace();        }        return ds;    }
  7. Hi,

    I think there is a bug in iReport 3.5.3 for Datasource Provider.

    I created my own datasource provider implementing JRDataSourceProvider and JRDataSource interface.

    In iReport, when I click: 
    Edit query -> Datasource Provider tab -> Get Fields From Datasource button
    Everything is ok up until here, it lists all the fields.
    But after I click OK and return to main page, the fields are not saved, they are gone.


    My code works fine on iReport 3.0.0, no problem there, iReport can retrieve the fields


  8. Hi,

    I think there is a bug in iReport 3.5.3 for Datasource Provider.

    When I click:
    Edit query -> Datasource Provider tab -> Get Fields From Datasource
    Everything is ok up until here, it lists all the fields.
    But after I click OK and return to main page, the fields are not saved, they are gone.

    My code works fine on iReport 3.0.0, no problem here


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