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Posts posted by jpp74

  1. Hi,

    I haven't joined all the jrxml files because there is a lot, I have just joined all reports before the report who display PAGE_NUMBER variable.
    In my example that I sent to you, to do a test I print the page number in the sub report PresGeneInvestChapitre.jrxml (PRES_GENE_INVEST_REPORT).
    In fact I would like to store the page number of chapters in my document, I do this by a call to the scriptlet in sub report PresGeneBudgetDepInvest.jrxml (PRES_GENE_INVEST_DEP_REPORT),
    when I test the parameter value receive in "marqueEntree" method, I have the value 1.
    Then in the sub report Sommaire.jrxml (SOMMAIRE_REPORT), I would like to retrieve the value stored by scriptlet, to display the page number of the differents chapters.

    Below the sub reports tree
    M14.jrxml is the master report
        VueEnsemble.jrxml (PRES_GENE_VUE_ENS_REPORT sub report)
        PresGeneFctChapitre.jrxml (PRES_GENE_FCT_REPORT)
            PresGeneBudgetDepFct.jrxml (PRES_GENE_FCT_DEP_REPORT)   
            PresGeneBalanceRecFct.jrxml (PRES_GENE_FCT_REC_REPORT)
        PresGeneInvestChapitre.jrxml (PRES_GENE_INVEST_REPORT)
            PresGeneBudgetDepInvest.jrxml (PRES_GENE_INVEST_DEP_REPORT)

        Sommaire.jrxml (SOMMAIRE_REPORT)


    Thanks for help


  2. Hi Teodor,

    Sorry for the late response (I was on holidays)

    I send you the piece of jasper template for the sub report where I try to display the page number in the title section.

    Thanks for help.


    <title>	<band height="89"  isSplitAllowed="true" >        ...		<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None"  hyperlinkTarget="Self" >					<reportElement						x="43"						y="60"						width="82"						height="25"						key="textField-1"/>					<box></box>					<textElement>						<font/>					</textElement>			<textFieldExpression   class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["page" + $P{pageOffset}.toString()]]></textFieldExpression>			</textField>	</band></title>
  3. Thanks for your quickly response Teodord.
    For "page x" I added this information in page footer of my master report, it was ok.
    In fact I tried to generate a table of content with page number, like in tableofcontents sample.
    I also tried to pass PAGE_NUMBER in parameter of a subreport, in the subreport I retrieve the value 1, but this report appear at page 10 in the final report (it is precede by 2 sub reports).
    Below a piece of master report template, when I print the parameter pageOffset in the title section of the subreport, the value is 1.
    What's wrong, I don't understand.
    Thanks for help

    <subreport  isUsingCache="false">	<reportElement	x="0" y="151"	width="535"	height="71"	key="subreport-2"	positionType="Float"/>	<parametersMapExpression><![CDATA[$P{sousRapportsParamMap}.get("PRES_GENE_INVEST_REPORT")]]></parametersMapExpression>	<subreportParameter  name="pageOffset">		<subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$V{PAGE_NUMBER}]]></subreportParameterExpression>	</subreportParameter>	<dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[$P{sousRapportsDsMap}.get("PRES_GENE_INVEST_REPORT")]]></dataSourceExpression>	<subreportExpression  class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport"><![CDATA[$P{sousRapportsMap}.get("PRES_GENE_INVEST_REPORT")]]></subreportExpression></subreport>
  4. Hi all

    I try to obtain the page number in a subreport, but when I evaluate variable PAGE_NUMBER I obtain the page in the current sub report and not in the global report, is there a solution to obtain the good page number value?

    Thanks for help


  5. You can put a List object in your parameter map. Then you have just to declare a parameter like this in your jrxml file:
    <parameter name="imageDir" isForPrompting="false" class="java.util.List"/>

    To use it in an expression you can write for example:

  6. Hi All,

    I have to generate a big pdf document with jasper. I cut the content in subreports.
    In my master report, I defined two subreports in detail section: subreport1 and subreport2.
    In subreport1 I defined two sub reports: sub1subreport1, sub1subreport2.
    In subreport2 I defined two sub reports: sub2subreport1, sub2subreport2.

    My problem is that only subreport1 (the first sub report of my master report) is displayed, If I delete the first subreport the second subreport is displayed.
    When I use subreports in a main report, I set the positionType of the first report to FixeRelativeToTop and the second one to Float.

    I join jrxml files to my post.
    Master: M14.jrxml
            Sub1subReport1:    PresGeneBudgetDepFct.jrxml
            Sub1subReport2:    PresGeneBudgetRecFct.jrxml
            Sub2subReport1:    PresGeneBudgetDepInvest.jrxml
            Sub2subReport2:    PresGeneBudgetRecInvest.jrxml

    Thanks for help.

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