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Posts posted by denys

  1.  Hi

    I was trying to make data row on my report to stretch vertically and realised that maybe I don't grasp how to properly use bands.

    I have a band with a set of textFields - it is supposed to simply display a table of report data. so I write


    <band height="630" splitType="Immediate">


        <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">

    <reportElement style="CellStyle" x="0" y="0" width="140" height="30"/>

    <textElement textAlignment="Left"/>

    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{var1}]]></textFieldExpression>


        <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">

    <reportElement style="CellStyle" x="140" y="0" width="75" height="30"/>


    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Double"><![CDATA[$F{var2}]]></textFieldExpression>






    as you may see I am trying to use attributes 'isStretchWithOverflow' and stretchType.

    however this does not help.

    what actually helped is increasing the hight of the band so it can fit in stretched fields. OK, but what hight should I put for a band then?

    at this point I decided that I am going to set hight the band to fill one page but band would have to hold many rows. but now I have a problem of populating the data of many rows into the band:

    1. new row data is not pulled until band is finished - so even if I manually fill out the band with fields for extra rows they are still showing the same data

    2. is there a way to tell a band to populate as many rows as possible?


    Ultimate question:

    how do I properly write a table report which:

    a) is displayed on many pages and b) able to stretch hight of row of fields if value of one field doesn't fit




  2.  Hi

    I need to introduce the "totals" line at the end of report, but unfortunately I am not able to grasp on the way to do it so would appreciate any help.

     So far i managed to create variable that would hold value needed to display: 



    <variable name="TOTAL_SALE" class="java.lang.Double" calculation="Sum">


    <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new java.lang.Double(0)]]></initialValueExpression>


    I don't want this "totals" line to be on column nor page footers - i.e. it should be only on last page but right after last data record.
    So I tried it the following way 
    ...DATA BAND...
    ...TOTALS BAND...
    but I don't understand how to check for current page being the last one.
    Thanks in advance.


  3. ok, since the jexcelapi lib is declared as optional it is not downloaded nor included by default when a user declares dependency on JapserReports.

    Now I understand that you might not want to include this lib by default as not every user of JR want to use exporting to Excel via this particular library - however I really think it is worth mentioning this in JavaDoc for class JExcelApiExporter that it will not work without this library being present in a classpath.

    Build process of the user of Jasper Report lib depends on the way JasperReports pom.xml declares its own dependencies.

    The error was simple ClassNotFoundException of course.


    As for upload to public Maven repositories - thanks for your clarification, I thought the process of publishing worked in a different way.

    Post Edited by denys at 08/14/2009 10:51
  4.  I am using the below to exclude corresponding bands from XLS and CSV formats and it is working fine.

    However I came across a need to exclude <line/> objects from details which separates lines in HTML and PDF formats.

    Is this possible at all to exclude not a whole band but some object within it for XLS?

    	<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.1" value="pageHeader"/>	<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.band.2" value="pageHeader"/>	<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.3" value="columnHeader"/>
  5. found this solution but it still seems a bit heavy:


    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Double"><![CDATA[java.lang.Double.valueOf($F{revenue}.doubleValue()/$F{trans_number}.intValue())]]></textFieldExpression>


  6.  have similar problem


    I am pulling two fields from DB:


    <field name="revenue" class="java.lang.Double"/>

    <field name="trans_number" class="java.lang.Integer"/>

    and trying to do the following:
    <textField pattern="#,##0.00">
    <reportElement x="163" y="0" width="125" height="30"/>
    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{revenue}/$F{trans_number}]]></textFieldExpression>
    I get the error attached below during report compilation.
    Any help appreciated.



    Post Edited by denys at 08/07/2009 15:43
  7.  for version 3.5.2 pom.xml states:









    I would assume that 3.5.3 uses the same version of POI lib.


    		<dependency>			<groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId>			<artifactId>poi</artifactId>			<version>3.2-FINAL</version>			<scope>compile</scope>			<optional>true</optional>		</dependency>
  8. Sorry could not find any other place to report this to.

    Product: JasperReports

    Version: 3.5.2

    Description: pom.xml for JasperReports has this dependency:








    which causes error while using JExcelApiExporter.


    P.S. Also regarding thread "JasperReports 3.5.3 released" - How come 3.5.3 version is not published to Maven Repository?

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