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Posts posted by mjvinoth

  1. I am using ireport3.1.4 for create pie chart with right side legend.its working in the tool.But same jasper not working in my application.Not showing the legend in my application.


    Only shows pie chart.What is the problem here ? i want to add any updated jar added into my applucation.

    ireport 3.0.0 pie chart with legend showing in my application .but here no option legend move to right side of chart.So that i am moving to ireport3.1.4, but legend not suppoerting in my application.


    Please reply..

  2. Thank you :)


    This is i am expecting..First way increment the dataset.Please give me any example for how to increment series expression.tutorial or explained with screen shots please post here.


    But second way is , not match with me . because we don't how many records will come from database.This dynamic increase the values , so based line also increase the chart.

  3. Thanks for reply.


    I have tried with sql query for generate multiple line.

    I have some values in list box.what ever i am select from the list box then show the line's on graph based upon list box values.


    So values passed by namically through sql query.


    What i have tried is i have defined the 10 line in the .jasper file.

    Now i can set the values through sql query.if test coloumn gets value then shows line ohterwise no line(becuase sql query return null values for that coloumn.


    But i a not able bring the proper solution.


    Please help me ...

  4. pentaho


    How to display the fractional values in Pie chart...........

    <pie3DPlot labelFormat="{0} {2}" legendLabelFormat="{0} {1}">

    Using this i can display only decimal values.....
    Like 20% 55%..........

    I want to display output in pie chart like 12.25%, 55.30%, 0.05%.........

    How can implement this..............

    Post Edited by pentaho pentaho at 02/17/09 13:08

    Please give me your ideas for create aboue pie chart.

  5.  I need to draw multiple line into line chart using jasper reports.i am using ireport for design jasper reports and mysql as database.

    Now i doubt is how to draw the multiple line in the linechart ? 


    for example:
    checking usage of database.




    Now in the chart show four line in the chart. How to do .?

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