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Posts posted by spmkkmps

  1. Hi

    Please see the attached image. The total and closing balance is done based on groupby of a particular Field. Now i need to sum those two closing balance. Can you please tell me what has to be done. Please post your answers quickly. Its very urgent. Thanks a lot.


  2. Hi

    Subreport not getting aligned properly. In my mainreport.jrxml I have a subreport named subreport.jrxml and in the subreport.jrxml I have included a subreport named insidesubreport.jrxml. When i execute it is not aligned properly. I need to display all 1.00 value (see the output image) one below the other, but main report value starts from left and the subreport value moves bit towards right and the insidesubreport values moves still more inside. I will attached all my three reports and the output. Please go through and tell me what needs to be changed.



    Post Edited by mhanspmk at 07/28/2009 06:59
  3. hi

    i need to use subreport inside subreport. in ireport tool, when executing everything works fine. when i try to export it to html format using jrhtmlexporter, it prints only the first two levels, means subreport inside subreport values not getting displayed. please post your answers as soon as possible. thanks a lot.


  4. ok. once drilldown is done please let me know and send the files. it will be helpful for me. tell me from where can i download that workbench so that before getting the solution from you i will go through what is there in the workbench,etc....

  5. Giulio,

    You have said that JasperReports provides support for hyperlink. It means it doesn't support drilldown? if i use hyperlink then the second report will come in the same report or it will be opened in a different page. i dont want to be it in a separate report. i need like,






    If i click Name it should expand, if i click Designation then it should expand, etc.

    Post Edited by mhanspmk at 07/22/2009 11:22

    Post Edited by mhanspmk at 07/22/2009 11:30
  6. Thanks kumar. Can you please attach your drilldown jrxml which will be useful for me. Also if you have any other document for creating drilldown report please attach it too. Its very urgent. It is of high priority work to be done from my side. So please send me as soon as possible.


    Post Edited by mhanspmk at 07/22/2009 06:12
  7. Hi,

    I need to use drill down option for one of my report. I not even know there is somrthing called drilldown in jasper report. So can anyone please tell me completely what it is, how to implement drilldown in report and some sample files will be really useful for me.


  8. Guilio,

    It doesn't work for me. Whatever you said i tried but it works only for pdf and excel. For htmlexporter it doesn't work. Can you get me the solution to display image when exporting using htmlexporter. Anyway i need to thank for your suggestions given for my post.



  9. Giulio,

    Thanks for your reply. But i dont understand since am using jasper report for the first time. So can you please get me the application structure like where i need to place the image, jrxml and java codings and in the jrxml what needs to be done.



  10. Hi,

    For image display when exporting to html, in many sample code these code has been included. can anyone explain me, what for the below code is added.

    Map imagesMap=new HashMap();
    htmlExporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI,"image?image="); and what is this image?image=

    whether i need to type something after image= in the fourth statement and why do we need a map object without adding anything to it. Also please tell me, in jrxml what needs to be done to include image. Please post your replies as soon as possible. If you have the jrxml and java code for image display please attach it too. Its very urgent. Thank a lot in advance.



  11. Hi,

    In my jrxml i have a String parameter named "imageFile" to display image in jasper reports. How to set image to this parameter from a java file. My web application structure is, inside /src/jasper(packagename)/my java files, and jasper file in the root folder. Also tell me where i need to put the image file. Its very urgent. Please post your replies immediately. Thanks a lot.




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