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  1. Good Morning Guilio, Sorry I did not explain it correctly: I have a Web Page with some results form Database which are presented in HTML , nothing with JReports and its tool for report in HTML. Then I use JReports for writting the report in PDF. My problem is I want to present the results on the same way as they are presented in HTML , the problem is JR change the order of columns. As far as I understand I could change the name of the alias of the columns for mainteing the same order. Thank you very much for your time and pacience Best Regards Ruben
  2. Good Morning Guilio , First , thanks for your answer and your time. Well, this is the Workflow : - First we show every result in html and then we have to show into the same results on PDF. What is the problem? , the columns are order by a query, so, as far as I understand you we should change the query and if it is possible order alphabetically , shouldn´t you? Yours Faithfully, Ruben
  3. Good Morning People, Another Issue, I put into different threads because It is different but I have the problem on the same report. I am a dummy with JReports, with ireports, I have a SQL which returns a title for Crosstab column equals, that is : COLUMN2 COLUMN3 COLUMN1 A B C And I see on PDF report this result: COLUMN1 COLUMN2 COLUMN3 C A B Technical Enviroment: OO. SSS : Windows XP DDBB : Oracle 9.i JR : 3.7.1 Could be this an issue of 7.1 ???? Thanks in advance Ruben
  4. Good Morning People, I am a dummy with JReports, with ireports, I have a SQL which returns a title for Crosstab column equals, that is : COLUM1 COLUMN1 COLUMN3 A B C And I see on PDF report this result: COLUMN1 COLUMN3 B C Technical Enviroment: OO. SSS : Windows XP DDBB : Oracle 9.i JR : 3.7.1 Could be this an issue of 7.1 ???? Thanks in advance Ruben
  5. Previously on ireport : http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=58347 Thanks in advance
  6. Hi, I put this question into ireport forum and mdahlman suggested me to send here this question : This is a very new new dummy in ireport, and I have to search the way of doing this : instead of call for a VarA=new String("1") and VarB = new String("2") and obtein VarA+VarB = 3 on an excel result from ireport I have to obtein: VarA VarB =VarA+VarB (But, this value shold auto generate when it is opened the formula, that is instead of send the value, send the formula) Well in excel you have autoformula but It is checked and no way, It does not work , so if I send VarA as string, varB as string , the "=vara+varb" as string due to if I send it as a integer, It does not work, so... Is there another way of getting the autoformula into the excel ??? I have to choose another kind of object for the variable, It is about a property into the excel ???? Futhermore , I have a report on ireport and this report has a field VarA="=sum(D1:D2)" Well, this report should show the number instead of the formula, but I have to send the formula from ireport to excel when I choose generate on EXCEL . I try with string and with a \n on the VarA, but I does not work, I looking for excel forums, but I does not tell me anything about this issue, Could any body help me please ? If anybody can help me , please, It could great...I think this is very useful to know.. Thanks in advance Code:in a field I put "=sum(D1:D2)"
  7. Thank you Sir, I will try and I hope find the fix. Best Regards Ruben
  8. Maybe I am not explain correctly, I have a report on ireport and this report has a field VarA="=sum(D1:D2)" Well, this report should show the number instead of the formula, but I have to send the formula from ireport to excel when I choose generate on EXCEL . I try with string and with a \n on the VarA, but I does not work, I looking for excel forums, but I does not tell me anything about this issue, Could any body help me please ? Thank in advance
  9. Hi, This is a very new new dummy in ireport, and I have to search the way of doing this : instead of call for a VarA=new String("1") and VarB = new String("2") and obtein VarA+VarB = 3 on an excel result from ireport I have to obtein: VarA VarB =VarA+VarB (But, this value shold auto generate when it is opened the formula, that is instead of send the value, send the formula) Well in excel you have autoformula but It is checked and no way, It does not work , so if I send VarA as string, varB as string , the "=vara+varb" as string due to if I send it as a integer, It does not work, so... Is there another way of getting the autoformula into the excel ??? I have to choose another kind of object for the variable, It is about a property into the excel ???? If anybody can help me , please, It could great...I think this is very useful to know.. Thanks in advance
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