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  1. Thanks, By setting target to "self", it wil run the report B in the window itself. I only want to change the report B that is in the dashboard.
  2. I have a dashboard that contains 2 reports. I'm trying to change the parameters of report B by clicking on an url in report A, so that report B shows detailed information of report A. I only can get the report B to be run outside of the dashboard, but I want to run the report B in the dashboard. Does anyone have any clues how that should be done?
  3. Hello, I'm trying to execute reports using webservices. This works great, for one thing: I only want to use a part of the returned HTML code. I am mostly interested in the <MAP> and <AREA> tags. How can I control what HTML code is returned bij the webservice? Or should I strip all the unnecessary code in PHP using regular expressions? Hopefully someone can give me a hint! Daniel
  4. Hi, I have a report wich has some percentages in it. Whit setting "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula" I managed to let excel calculate the percentage (e.g. SUM(B1/A1) ). Assume A1 is filled with 100 and B1 with 10; in excel I get 0.10 with the mentioned formula. Now I want to be able to set the format of the percentage cell to "0%". Excel will display this cell with the above example as "10%". Only, how can I set a parameter to force Excel to use format "0%" for the particular cells? I hope someone can help me out! Greetz, Daniel
  5. I defined a crosstab wich displays data. The last column shows an total amount. No proble so far. Now I need two extra columns that display extra "totals" (percentage of total and a difference with another value). How can I get 2 extra total columns in a Report? I hope someone can help me! Daniel Krol
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