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Posts posted by tripytaka

  1. Hi All,

    I followed the tutorial “Perfect Ubuntu Server 9.04 ISPConfig3” and have set up my server to be an ISP and can access my website from the outside world. I have installed Joomla and in folders under Joomla Moodle, JFusion and Lime Survey. Everything is working perfect.

    Now I want to install the Jasper Soft BI Suite. I have downloaded community edition “jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin” and it is sitting on my desktop. I have followed the Jasper Server Install pdf and successfully installed Apache Tomcat and Java.

    I have studied forums, websites and the great “How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu”, but when I follow the instructions to install a .bin file the installation fails.

    I open the terminal and here's what I enter:

    cd Desktop
    sudo chmod +x jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin

    Here is the result.

    myuser@myserver:~$ cd Desktop
    myuser@myserver:~/Desktop$ ls

    administration-console jasperserver-3.5.0-bin.zip
    BI Software
    How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu.pdf

    myuser@myserver:~/Desktop$ sudo chmod +x jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin

    myuser@myserver:~/Desktop$ ./jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin
    bash: ./jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin: No such file or directory


    I have tried:

    chmod 755
    sudo ./
    sudo su (then enter password)

    Why is it telling me: No such file or directory” when the 'ls' command clearly shows the .bin sitting on my desktop? Is there a step I am missing?

    According to the tutorials and forums the above command should launch the .bin into action the same way double clicking an .exe does. But for me it does not.

    How do I get this thing to install. I am old-school .exe and this .bin process is causing me grief. I am familiar with .bin as a mountable image file, but I cannot burn an image with the "jasperserver-3.5.0-linux-installer.bin"

    Can someone please point me in the right direction. I have tried to help myself by reading all the forums I can find, following the instructions, but this .bin has got me beat.

    I have tried all the install scripts I can find, and also different .bin files - i always get the same result. Maybe there is something within Ubuntu itself that is blocking the installation of a .bin.

    Please help. Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Regards -Tripytaka

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