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Everything posted by brooneyx1

  1. Perhaps you can create a second report that uses current_date inside the query for end date. Other than that you need to setup dynamic dates that does a run time calculation to figure out dates. For instance "Yesterday", "Last Week", etc. Seach this wiki for dynamic dates and you should see some examples.
  2. I am in a similar situation, but my thinking is to use separate orgs and copy all the same reports/ resources to each, including a domain that filters on each organization. I will be creating the default reports and resources in the folder template directory that gets copied into new orgs. I will then edit to fix the domain in each org for the specific org. I know this isn't what you want to do exactly but perhaps it will help knowing how someone else intends on tackling the problem. My thinking is it is much safer to separate the orgs so no one sees unauthorized data. Hopefull I can just change the domain and it works.
  3. Looking for any information on Single Sign On with Multi-Tenancy - For CAS you have to use a single organization, this negates the usefulness of SSO with organizations. Has anyone gotten SSO to work with support for multi-tenancy ? When I purchased I was told it works witth CAS but the part that explains only 1 organization was not explained. Perhaps I need to use LDAP and find a SSO implementation that works with it. Any pointers are appreciated.
  4. The way I do this is to deploy an app with all my images to the app server along with jasperserver, so for instance on Tomcat I create a directory under webapps call ImageStore. Then in my jrxml I use a propery to get to the app. ImageDir= "http://xxx.com:8080/ImageStore" I then use: Logo=$P{ImageDir} +"/myLogo.png" As the property name for the actual image resource. This assumes that the machine you are working on has access to the app server. If not I also have a property for file being local: LocalImageDir = "/usr/user1/reports/Images" Logo=$P{LocalImageDir} +"/myLogo.png" This works fine for me, it is probably better ro have the atual data in the db, but it was a apin for me to get it working nicely with iReport and deployed version correctly.
  5. I am looking to change the default output folder for scheduled reports. As a default the parent folder of the report comes up but this is not writable by my users. I understand that they can chage it, but it is a better user expereince if it defaults to a writable folder. So my question is: How can I change the default setting for output folder ? I did look at this file: jasperreports-server-4.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/reportScheduling And the place to change it appears to be: <spring:bind path="job.contentRepositoryDestination.folderURI"> <input type="hidden" id="outputLocation" name="${status.expression}" value="${status.value}"/> <span class="${status.error ? "error" : ""}"> <c:forEach items="${status.errorMessages}" var="error"> <span class=" warning"><c:out value="${error}"/></span> </c:forEach> </span> Is it enough to just change the value ? If so is it possible to append the user name to the end ? So something like "/Users/${LoggedInUser}/ReportOutput"
  6. See: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=84860#85372 I just posted a workaround to this. Remove the jsp files you copied and edit the report with a change to where controls show up.
  7. This is caused by your old reports having the input control set to top of page, see bold and underlined below. The fix is to edit the report and change where the input controls should go, then rerun it should work and you can change it back to in pgae. Seems like this is a bug with the upgrade from 3.7 to 4.0. Hope this helps ! org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.servlet.ServletException: File "/WEB-INF/jsp/ReportTopInputControls.jsp" not found Post Edited by brooneyx1 at 03/16/2011 17:22
  8. Same here, I have Jasper Server Pro - Looks to me like there is a timeout (3 minutes in my case). happening and a new report is kicked off.This will cause an exception if you do not have the overwrite checkbox checked, since it uses the same timestamp for report # 2.
  9. Occasionally I get an exception in a scheduled email and it gets sent to the client set in the to email address. It would be much nicer to send exception to an admin type internal user so we can fix it before a user sees the problem. Anyone do this before or have a solution. Post Edited by brooneyx1 at 03/08/2011 16:49
  10. Did you try setting "Data is pre-sorted" in the crosstab data window ?
  11. You could create a specific report for each time slice and set the defaults for the parameter in the jrxml, but do not add an input control to the report. I set the language to Grovy and set the parameter type to java,util.Date and use a default of Date() -1 for StartDAte and Date() - 7 forEndDate. I also unset "Use as prompt" - This will work fine but you will need the same report duplicated for each timeslice. I still prefer doing from a list "ThisWeek', etc so that I have a single report to deal with. I did a quick write of of the new way I do Dynamic dates. It is at http://reptics.com - I used to do Sql function based implementation, but doing this with Java is cleaner and easier to make changes. Post Edited by brooneyx1 at 05/22/2011 08:53
  12. For my case I have a list of names that I wanted odered in my own way. The way I got this to work was to add a coulumn called sort order to my table. The crosstab still sorted on name, so I pre-pended the sort order string to my sorted row in the query. My name now looks like "1-PartnerName", 4-PartnerName", etc. In the query I used: concat(concat(cast(c.display_order as char), '-'), c.name) As PartnerName, Now once I go to the crosstab element and change the expression to get rid of the starting int: $V{PartnerName}.substring($V{PartnerName}.indexOf("-")+1) This gives me back the name in the order I decided on. If anyone has an easier way to do this I would love to hear about it.
  13. The way I do this is to create a parameter that contains a string representation of the time slice I am interested in. So I created a String parameter called DatePick and I allow the following set of values: "ThisWeek", "LastWeek", "Yesterday", ThisYear", "LastYear", "ThisMonth", "LastMonth" and "Input". The Input opton is to allow for using an explicit date. I then created a sql function that takes these strings and returns an actaul date. So my query would look like: (WIth DatePick = 'ThisWeek') SELECT <Deleted for brevity> WHERE theDate Between calcStartDate($P{DatePick}) and calcEndDate($P{DatePick}); This works great for scheduling reports since it calculate relative to the current date ! I attached my calcStartDate sql function for MySql as an example.This could be done in java as well, but I prefer using sql so I can run the same queries in mysql.
  14. I am currently implementing this as follows: 1) Create a Parameter "SortBy" of type int and default it to the column 1. In my case this is a video name. 2) Add this parameter to your query: "Order by $P{SortBy}" 3) Create an input with name/value pair that corresponds to coulmun names: "Title/1", "Views/2", etc... 4) Create column header that are text and use hyperlink to create drill down report that just switches the $P{SoryBy} parameter. So far this works for me, but I am using an input list till I can finish the drill down part.
  15. I agree it isn't optimal, but works till we find a better solution - We schedule the reports for our customers so they never see the pain. For predetermined time periods, like last month, last week, etc, we do the following to offset from the current date, again not optimal, but may give you some ideas: Last Month: date_format(d.full_date, '%Y-%m') = date_format(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 month), '%Y-%m') This Month: d.date_key between getDateKey(date_format(CURDATE(), '%Y-%m-01')) and getDateKey(date_format(curdate(), '%Y-%m-%d')) The missing part (we do not have) is to have a drop down input control that allows users to choose: "This Week", "Last Week", "This Month", "Last Month", "This Quarter", etc. Maybe you could do a scriplet that takes in the desired time period ("This Month") and returns the correct start and end dates for the where clause.
  16. The way I have done this is to create integer properties for offsets from current date for instance: StartOffsetInDays and EndOffsetInDays. I then add something like below to my query: Where page_views.request_date between Date_sub(CurDate(), Interval $P{StartOffsetInDays} Day) and Date_sub(CurDate(), Interval $P{EndOffsetInDays} Day)
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