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Posts posted by vishal29bhp

  1. Thanks Sherman ,

                                      I followed your suggestion and able to not showing jasperadmin and anonymous user in the list

                                      of   user   when    particular user logged in .It is work well in functionality.I maniipulated

                                     convertUserListToDtoList, convertRoleListToDtoList methods in my  UserServiceAuthorityImpl class.

                                     But Now I am facing  new problem as UI of jasperserver showing negative values in


                                     Plz see the attached image of the issue. Same thing is happening when i see RoleList.

    Thanks and Regards






  2. Code:
    Hi Lucian,
    I am using Jasper server 3.5.0 community edition.
    My Issue is :

    I have one report which is fetching multiple records from database.e.g.

    Country Sales Growth% EmailId
    India 20 india@abc.com
    China 30 china@abc.com
    Japan 40 japan@abc.com

    Now i want to schedule this report once and jasperserver should send
    this report to emailId which is relevent to country like on emailid
    india@abc.com report should contain data for india only and not for
    other country.

    At present we are making multiple reports country wise and configuring
    emailid manually.

    How can i configure jasperserver that automatically fetch
    mailrecipients at runtime of scheduling.

  3. Hello Everybody,

                                 I am using jasperserver 3.5 community edition and My issue is:


                                1) Created One ROLE which is responsible for User and Role management only.

                                2) After login by the user associated with this ROLE it is redirected to userListFlow.

                                Problem :

                                1) For this role i dont want to show jasperadmin,anonymoususer in the users list.

                                2) i dont want to show ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR,ROLE_ANONYMOUS in the roles list.

                                How can i do this or is there any other way to acheive this in best possible manner.

                                This senerio is also attached as images.



    Post Edited by vishal29bhp at 01/04/2010 08:36
  4. Code:
    Hello Everybody,                 I trying to add some Static HTML pages in Jasperserver which contains help contents. I tried using UrlFilenameViewController but no luck.Is there any filter mechanism which restrict this to do so.Plz helpVishal
    [code]Hello Everybody, I trying to add some Static HTML pages in Jasperserver which contains help contents. I tried using UrlFilenameViewController but no luck.Is there any filter mechanism which restrict this to do so. The Jasperserver log says : WARN PageNotFound,http-8080-Processor25:1005 - No mapping for [/consulting101server/html/test.html] in DispatcherServlet with name 'jasperserver'Plz helpVishal


    Post Edited by vishal29bhp at 11/21/2009 09:17

  5. Code:
    Hello Everybody,
    We are planning to setup Hardware Server for Jasperserver and
    MySql in a single box on Linux Platform.

    Is any body setup this configuration? Which Hardware server you
    recommend that support 15-100 Simultaneous user accessing

    Plz provide me details.

    Thanks in Advance.

  6. Hello Everybody,

                                    I am trying to add Measures Expression in jasperanalysis workbench in cdata element.

                                    It is properly validated the mondrian connection. But when i fire MDX query this sql generates Invalid Syntax


                                    My Measures are Net Sales , Target and I am  trying to get Last Year Sales From the Measure Expression.



                                    <Measure name="Last_Year_Sales" column="amount" aggregator="sum" visible="true">
                                             <SQL dialect="mysql">
                                                  <![CDATA[select distinct 0 as amount from ciph_time_d]]>

           I think the problem is it is taking sql in aggregate function but how do i get rid of this error.                                                             


    Post Edited by vishal29bhp at 11/05/2009 11:37
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