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Everything posted by deepthirohini86

  1. Hi, I thinks that this is problem with the defaultValueExpression, Because if i remove the parameter passing it is working fine, that the user name is displayed in the textFieldExpression. I also attached th JRXML file , kindly Jasper Admin can help me in this. With Regards, Rohini A.M
  2. Hi, If i am using the following entries in jrxml and upload it in to the jasper server, while running the report it is telling that "The reports is empty". The jasper server version is 3.5.0. <parameter name="LoggedInUser" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User"/><parameter name="LoggedInUsername" isForPrompting="false"> <defaultValueExpression>$P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername()</defaultValueExpression></parameter><queryString><![CDATA[select * from user_details where first_name=$P{LoggedInUsername}]]></queryString>Kindly help me how to solve. My Query is: select * from user_details where first_name=$P{LoggedInUsername}If i am using the $P{LoggedInUsername } in the textFieldExpression it is fetching and showing me the logged in user name.But if i am using in the parameter it is not fetching, it is telling the report is empty.With Regards,Rohini A.M Post Edited by rohinijasper at 07/13/2009 05:10
  3. Hi, I am having a problem that i need extract the parameters values for the logged in user id , and his group id and site id. So i follow up what Mr.swood had given to achieve this and i write the java code, by i am having doubts, Questions: 1) what should be the return type for the function updateQuery. 2) I need to add the parameter for user id, group id, site id. I write the following code. public class querymanip implements com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.common.service.IQueryManipulator { public updateQuery(String queryString, Map parameters) { Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); UserDetails details = auth.getPrincipal(); String userName = details.getUsername(); } } What should be the return type questions: ************ 1) userName in the code and the parameter what we given in the query should be same or different? 2) Can i store more than one parameter ? Kindly give me ur suggestion , how to do this. Regards, Rohini A.M
  4. Hi, I saw your problem , the same problem i am facing, whether you write the class to solve,. Kindly suggest me how do you achieve this. Regards, Rohini A.M
  5. Hi, In jaspserver-3.5.0 , i create one scheduler for the report and also give the email address for notification, but it is executing and put the reports in the folder directory of reports , but the mail is not send to the destination. What is the problem ? I dont know how to solve this. Is there is any steps in configuration for email. Kindly suggest me how to achieve this. Regards, Rohini
  6. I found this how to do this, i add like this in ireport-nb-3.5.0 click chartdata Add the series,category,value for the first part that is Used Expression, Then add the another series,category,value for the second part that is Free Expression. Now if u run it will show u the stacked bar. Regards, Rohini A.M
  7. Hi Srikanth, Thanks for ur reply. I tried whatever u r telling but i am not get the reset-group as visible in the chart data. Actually i will tell you what structure of datas i am having, I am having a table like this select log_date,total,used,free from log_details; So in my stacked bar i want to show a bar with used with used part as 50 percent and the free with 20. So it needs to display stacked for used log and free log in a bar. I need to show like this, 70 | +---------+ | | | -> Free 20 | +---------+ | | | | | | -> Used 50 | | | | +----------+ ---------------------------------------------------- date I need to show the following the stacked bar, For this i search in this forums itself they are telling that we need to write the customized class. so kindly tell me whether the following can achieve with the normal ireport itself or we need to write the customized class. Thanks, Rohini
  8. Hi, I need to add more than one category expression and value expression for stacked Bar chart in ireport-nb-3.5.1. But there is no option in ireport-nb-3.5.1 to add more than one category expression and value expression, but it is having one option, Right click the chart area->chartdata->Details and we can add but it is asking all the inputs say for (Series Expression,Category Expression,Value Expression),etc and it is not doing what i need. But i need to achieve the following. For one Category Expression i need to have more than one Value Expression. Can any one suggest me how to achieve this. Regards, Rohini
  9. Dear Friends, If i am having 10 reports , i should have 10 jrxml files , whether this is correct? My requirement is that i dont know how much reports is used by the user. and also i dont have the jrxml file. So i need to create the jrxml file dynamically depending upon the users given the query. How can i achieve this? Kindly suggest me. Thanks,
  10. Dear Friends, If i am having 10 reports , i should have 10 jrxml files , whether this is correct? My requirement is that i dont know how much reports is used by the user. and also i dont have the jrxml file. So i need to create the jrxml file dynamically depending upon the users given the query. How can i achieve this? Kindly suggest me. Thanks,
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