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Posts posted by deepthirohini86

  1. Hi Sir,

    Say i am using one chart , i am giving the width for the chart as 1000 as width size i can display only 50 bars at a time ,

    how can i set the width of the chart as dynamic ,

    is there is any way , depending upon my query result i need to set the width.


    With Regards,

    Rohini A.M


  2. Code:
    Hi Friends,
    My query returns 1000 result at a time, how can i show all the datas in the
    chart in a fixed width,

    Kindly help me in this .... How to show all my result in the chart.

    Rohini A.M
  3. Code:
    Hi Friends,
    How to do the password encrypted url in jasperserver, which configuration i need to do,
    Kindly tell me the steps how i need to achieve.

    My Requirement is from my application i need to login into jasper server without login page.
    My Application is in php, kindly tell me the solution.

    If i pass the username and password it will be got hack. So i any one came across this scenario kindly share it , i am waiting for this

    With Regards,
    Rohini A.M
  4. Hi Friends,
     Can any one give my the steps how to write the filter and compiling the filter.

    Whether i nee to use maven to compile,

    or given me some steps to achieve.

    I need to write one filter which will get the encrypt username and password from the url and need to decrypt that and store into the jasperserver username and password.


    Kinldy help me how to achieve,


    Rohini A.M

  5. Hi Friends,

              In Bar chart how to display the value expression in integer.

    For example i am having score to display in the Y axis.

    Say i am having score 5.5 so i put round in query , so i get 5.

    But in bar chart it is displaying 5.5 for Value Expression but in the Series Expression it is showing 5.

    I dont know why?


    It is displaying from 0.0,0.1 upto 0.5

    I need to display  0,1,2,3,4,5

    How i need to achieve this.


    Kindly tell me.


    With regards,

    Rohini A.M




  6. Code:
    Hi friends,
    I want to list the users to select the user names in the single select query,
    say for example i am have two same name as user but the id will differ.
    So internally the input control need to pass the id as the parameter,.

    How i need to achieve this.

    With Regards,
    Rohini A.M
  7. Hi sridevi,

    Can you share me in deeply about this solution.

    I am new to acegi scripts. What steps i need to follow,


    Actually now how you are adding the jasper server to your application,by url or by some other things.


    What filter i need to write, how i need to achieve without hack , kindly help me.





    Rohini A.M


  8. Hi Swood Sir,


    Actually in this forum i upload my problematic jrxml file, whatever steps you given


    for getting the LoggedIn user name, i followed . But my problem is if i am using parameter in


    the inject query my report is showing "The report is empty" . But if i use the


    loggedInUsername in my report without passing the parameter it is showing the LoggedInusername


    in report, My question is why the LoggedInUsername is not worked in parameter passing.


    Upto date i am not get any solutions,.


    I am using community edition.


    Kindly suggest me.



    Rohini A.M

  9. Hi Javed,

     Very much thanks for your response,

    I am having one doubt that in jasperserver side ,

    For getting the LoggedInUsername we need to add a parameter in the jasperserver web application or only

    jrxml file is ok.


    I am having my environment like this,


    I download the jasperserver bin directory and extract that war into the tomcat webapps directory,

    Then i use the ireport as a separate and create the jrxml file and upload that into the jasperserver web application.



    Whether i need to explicitly add the LoggedInuser as parameter in jasperserver, if it is then how to add this.

    Can you tell me how you add the repository in the ireport nb. Kindly tell me.


    With Regards,

    Rohini A.M



  10. Hi Javed,

               Ok i attached the .xml file , with this. I think that the community edition is not supported for the parameter, what is your view on that.


    I am having another one question,

    whether u are using the jasper server repository in the ireport.

    Or u are integrating the jasper server with your application .


    With Regards,

    Rohini A.M



  11. Hi javed,

    I checked that it is passing the username as 'null' in postgresql log.

    It is not passing the value, it is passing null,.


    See this is my query log


    id, username, tenantId, fullname




    username = 'null'


    Whether i need to do any changes in the file like applicationContext.xml

    With Regards,



  12. Hi Javed,


    I am still trying,

    Actually i did the fresh extraction of war file , i am getting the reports empty message only ,still i am trying..........

    I dont know where the actual problem is ...


    Whether u are using commercial edition for jasper server or community edition.





  13. Hi Friends,

                     Actually i am downloaded the jasper server v 3.5.0. For me parameter passing in query is not supported , i already opened one forum with subject : Report is empty refer it for detailed.




    Then i check my logs, i am getting the following error

     1. Parameter type not supported in query : LoggedInUser class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User
    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationException: Report design not valid :
             1. Parameter type not supported in query : LoggedInUser class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User
            at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.verifyDesign(JRAbstractCompiler.java:262)
            at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractCompiler.java:144)
            at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport(JasperCompileManager.java:219)
            at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.EngineServiceImpl.compileReport(EngineServiceImpl.java:892)
            at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.EngineServiceImpl.compileReport(EngineServiceImpl.java:1260)

    Kindly help me to solve this problem,.


    With Regards,

    Rohini A.M


    Post Edited by rohinijasper at 07/20/2009 11:52
  14. Hi Javed,

    I am using iReports v 3.5.0 and Jasperserver v3.5,

    i found in the jasper server log that


    1. Parameter type not supported in query : LoggedInUser class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User


    Then in the lib directory of jar i extract the



    But i am not getting the class



    i am getting



    so i am not found the class User.


    Are you having any jar contains User class,

    because i also using the same version 3.5 ,....


    With Regards,



  15. Hi,

    I am telling the solution for postgresql u can apply this for some other database also.

    What jar file you are using in the CLASSPATH, if you are using old version then u need to upgrade,

    to postgresql-8.2-506.jdbc3.jar.

    Then check whether it is working.


    or check the below.

          Try this you will get to work correctly,.

    Check the url

    says example

    Check this url in the browser, if you are getting error for that page , there is no connection like that

    then u need to check the database configuration file,

    if you are using postgresql,

    Then in the file /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/postgresql.conf


    change the following line:

    listen_address='localhost' to



    Then your test will be successful.






    Rohini A.M



    Post Edited by rohinijasper at 07/15/2009 05:23

    Post Edited by rohinijasper at 07/15/2009 05:24
  16. Hello Javed,
             I go through ur jrxml file , whatever i am giving is right compare to your jrxml,
    But i am having doubt in the following line,
        id, username, tenantId, fullname
         `jasperserver`.`JIUser` JIUser
         username = '$P!{LoggedInUsername}'

    Why u are using back tick for `jasperserver`.`JIUser` JIUser

    And also in our jasperserver we are having table jiuser not JIUser.

    I think that this things i missed out.


    I just give the query like the following,


    select id,username,tenantId,fullname from jiuser where username='$P!{LoggedInUsername}'


    I am getting the same that 'The Report is empty'.


    What is the version of your jasperserver?

    What is your database ? postgres or mysql


    Thanks in advance.


    Rohini A.M




    Post Edited by rohinijasper at 07/15/2009 05:12
  17. Hi Sridevi,

    Sorry for this much delay to reply you , i am new to this forum.

    I am also faced the same problem , but i gave some solution.


    Do the following :

     *) In file jasperserver/WEB-INF/jsp/login_welcome.jsp

       you need to comment the front end design for that file and you need to write one function

    function setusernamepassword() {
            var queryString=window.top.location.search.substring(1);
            var querystring_split=queryString.split("&");
            var username_details=querystring_split[0].split("=");
            var password_details=querystring_split[1].split("=");

          // write the decrypt code for user name and password and set it to the





    call this function into the validatePassword().

    If you do the following changes u can pass the http url itself without showing the login page.

    *) Then from your application where you are calling, encrypt the user name and password,

    then in the function setusernamepassword() you need to decrypt it.


    If you are having any trouble kindly ask me.



    If you are changing any code in the jsp file then no need to recompile the jasper server.


    With Regards,

    Rohini A.M




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