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Posts posted by dreis

  1. I am using iReport 3.7.4.

    I know there must be a way to do this but I can't see what I'm doing wrong.

    I have a subreport that is trying to do a validation test on a boolean field to make sure one record's value is not different than all of the other records (i.e. one true the rest false, or one false the rest true).  It has to print a message in the Summary if either Answer is chosen only once, and I need to include an identifier (ID) of the record that has this single value.  My query sorts the records by the Answer field value, and I have a Report Group on Answer which gives me the Answer_COUNT of each answer value.

    I created a variable FAIL_FLAG with: 
       Variable Class = Boolean
       Calculation = Nothing
       Reset type = Report (also tried Group but no help)
       Increment type = Group, Increment group = Answer
       Variable Expression = $V{Answer_COUNT}.intValue()==1 ? new Boolean(true) : $V{FAIL_FLAG}, Initial Value = new Boolean(false)

    I created a variable FAIL_ID with: 
       Variable Class = String
       Calculation = Nothing
       Reset type = Report
       Increment type = Group
       Increment group = Answer
       Variable Expression = $V{Answer_COUNT} == 1 && $V{FAIL_FLAG}.booleanValue()==true
    ? ($F{MYID}) : $V{FAIL_ID}

    In the summary, my message has: 
       Print when expression = $V{FAIL_FLAG}.booleanValue()==true
       Evaluation time = Now

    My problem is that FAIL_ID is getting set to the first record of any answer, not the record with one occurrence of the answer.  I was assuming that doing Increment Type = Group meant that it would not set the value of FAIL_FLAG or FAIL_ID until the last record of the group, so my condition of $V{Answer_COUNT} == 1 would only be true if there was only one record with that answer.  This does not seem to be the case.

    Hope this makes sense.  Anybody have an idea of what I'm doing wrong or what is a better way to do this?


  2. I'm using iReport 3.7.4

    Is there an easy way to make each item in a bar chart legend show up on a separate line?  Right now some of the short text strings end up on the same line and it's harder to read.   I tried adding "\n" to the end of the Series Expression, but that just made the whole legend text disappear.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. FYI if anyone is interested...this is how I solved it...

    I had to change my query to return the count of widgets [complex query returning count(widget_rows) as NumPicked] instead of the widgets themselves, and "order by" this count in the query so that I could create a Report Group based on the count.  Then it was easy to chart the widget count (NumPicked) against how many people had that count (automatic variable NumPicked_COUNT).

    ...I'm sure there are other ways to do it...

  4. I am using iReport 3.7.4.  There must be a way to do this, I'm just not seeing how.

    What I want to do is similar to the following (modified to protect the innocent):

    create a bar chart of how many widgets people picked in their orders (not which widgets, just how many they ordered).

    I query the database for line items (one widget per line), ordered by customer

    I create a Report Group by Customer, thereby getting the automatic variable Customer_COUNT (how many widgets each customer ordered).

    I create a new variable Widget_COUNT with Calculation=Count, Reset type=Report, Increment type=Group (Customer), Variable Expression = $V{Customer_COUNT}

    I create a bar chart with Series expression=$V{Customer_COUNT}, Category expression=$V{Customer_COUNT}, Value expression=$V{Widget_COUNT}

    It's close, but sometimes I seem to get how many customers had at least that many widgets, not exactly that many which is what I want ("sometimes" depends on the order of the counts in the database).  I tried all different combinations of calculations, reset types and increment types in the Widget_COUNT variable.  Is there any easy way to do what I'm trying to do?

    Thanks for the help.

  5. I'm using iReport 3.1.4. 

    Is there a way to wrap the text presented on a tool tip? 

    I have bar charts of how many people answered a certain question correctly, and I want the user to see the question text when they hover over that bar.  I have the tool tip defined (right click on chart, pick Hyperlink, then via Hyperlink dialog box, set ToolTip Expression) by setting it to the field in the database that stores the question text, but when hovering, it presents it as one long row of text.  Is there a way to make it wrap into a box of text like tool tips in other tools?  btw - it's a cool feature in itself and I'm glad it's there at all.




  6. I am fairly new to iReport ("warning").

    I am running iReport 3.0.0 with Tomcat 5.5 (invoking reports through jsp)

    I have a report with an image of a tiny chart, and I want the user to click on it to bring up a menu-less pop-up window with a new report containing the real chart.  I have it working fine in the report with a hyperlink on the image, (Target=blank, Type=reference), which brings up the report containing the chart, but it comes up in a full browser window.

    Is there anyway to have the chart come up in a menu-less pop-up?  I think I need the window.open to have parameters something like: "resizable=yes,status=yes,location=no,directories=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no"  but I couldn't find a way to do this in iReport.  Does anyone know how this can be done?  If Custom Hyperlink Type is the way to go, does anyone have one like this to share or point me to a good example of a Custom Hyperlink Type?

    Thanks much.






    Post Edited by Debra Reis at 03/13/09 15:38
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