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Posts posted by mctpursuer

  1. Hi,

    I need to apply two conditional styles to one field, one conditional style is to check whether the field is on even row, if it's on even row then give it's a background color. The other conditional style is based on the business logic, if the value of the field is 1, then I need to make the font color of this field to red.

    I am wondering is there any easy way to apply these two conditional styles to the same field?

    Thanks for any help!


  2. Hi,

    In order to alternate the background color of each row in report, I am using a rectangle box as the background of each row and using conditional style. But when I view the report in HTML version, there is no effect, the box doesn't seem to be there. But I have no problem with this in PDF.

    Can somebody tell me how to solve this?

    Many thanks.

  3. Hi, I need to dynamically set the background color of a field in the report, e.g. a field called first-level manager, second-level manager, if the first-level manager.isCurrentManager == true, then I want to give the first-level manager a particular background color, how can I archieve this in JasperReport? Thanks a lot.

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