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Posts posted by shriyakish

  1. Hello,

    I am trying to export a report with over 10000 pages.

    I am using  a virtualizer to avoid out of memory error.

    I am currently trying to write the pdf export to a destination file in the 'JasperReportsPdfView' class.

    But I am unable to return the filename as the exportReport() method returns void.

    Moreover, the method also writes out the info into response.

    Can someone please help me with a code snippet to achieve this?


  2. Hello all,

    I have a requirement. I am getting a dataset having data like :

    Code_TYPE        CODE_NAME           DOLLARS

    SITE                      BRAIN                           $2000

    SIC                        LUNG                             $3000

    SITE                      LIVER                             $1200


    I have a group which groups these and displays like :

    SIC                        LUNG                             $3000   

    SITE                      BRAIN                           $2000

    SITE                      LIVER                             $1200

    The group expression is $F(CODE_TYPE)

    However, I want the SITE type codes to be displayed first. Like :

    SITE                      BRAIN                           $2000

    SITE                      LIVER                             $1200

    SIC                        LUNG                             $3000   

    How can I modify the group expression to group descendingly?



  3. Hello,

    I am using Jasper Report in order to eliminate all crystal reports in our project.

    I would like to know if it is possible to show the Jasper report(html) within the web page just like a crystal report is displayed.

    Any help in this will be appreciated.

    My requirement basically is : user goes to a parameter page, selects parameters, back end Java retrieves the data and then the user is sent to the report page.

    Currently here I am able to throw the Jasper report out with an open save dialog.

    How can I have the Jasper report to be displayed in the page?



  4. Hello Raman,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am aware of modifying  the jrxml based on the error.

    However this error that comes , the attribute is NOT there in the jrxml at all.

    From somewhere it seems to go as null.

    Have attached the jrxml for your reference.

    Please help

  5. Thanks a lot for your reply.
    I am using Ireport 3.5.0
    There is no mode in my jrxml.Thats what is stranger.
    When I click 'Opaque' mode gets inserted.Then I remove it.
    But still the same problem.
    I am not able to move ahead at all :(
    Please help.

    Attached the jrxml for your reference.

  6. Hello Raman,

    Can you please let me know if you figured out the problem?

    I got this error just today and I am surprised as there is nothing out of place in my jrxml.

    Will be really grateful if you can share your solution.



  7. Hello all,

    I ungraded to the new version of Jasper Reports 3.5.0.

    When I try to export to excel it gives me error :

    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet.setColumnWidth(II)V

    I am using "JasperReportsMultiFormatView" to generate the report.

    The same is happening with Jasper Report version 3.1.4 too.

    Any suggestions?

  8. Hello all,

    I have  a calculated variable which is a Double.

    I need to round it so that the Sum of it comes as a whole number.

    eg: the variable evaluates to 49,894.5

    I need it to be 49,895

    But try as I might (by specifying the pattern as #,###) I get it as 49,894


    Please help me as to how can I round the number to the next digit.



  9. Hello all,

    I have a requirement.

    I need to print project number over the page if the report  overflows over the next page.


    Project Number 1




     - - - - - - - - - - - - - < PAGE BREAK>



    This is wat ideally happens.

    The band overflows to the next  page.

    But if that happens I need to show a header on the second page.

    How can I track the overflowing?

    Pelase help.




  10. Hello all,

    I am currently compiling my jrxmls using Spring at startup.

    However if there is anychange in jrxml need to restart the application.

    Is there an option by which Spring can laziliy compile the jrxmls,i.e when the report is requested for.


    Please help.


  11. Hello All,

    I am having an issue with a text field.

    I have a field which is a CLOB in the db.

    I retrieve the field as String and display in Jasper.

    The problem now is ...

    I have the field and I have another label and text field below it...

    Eg : Abstract(Label)

            Abstract text (CLOB field in db, String in Jasper)

            Specific Aims(label)

            Specific Aims(CLOB field in db, String in Jasper)

    My issue here is : even though all of them are Stretch as true,the Specific Aims(label) comes in between the bigggg text of Abstract Text field.

    Pelase help.


  12. Hello all,

    I am having a sub report within a Master Report and on running it get the following error.



    : Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow.JRVerticalFiller.java:1203)

    Will someone please help me with this? 

    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.addPage(

  13. Hello all,

    I am having a sub report within a Master Report and on running it get the following error.



    : Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow.JRVerticalFiller.java:1203)

    Will someone please help me with this? 

    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.addPage(

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