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Posts posted by dabor

  1. Thank you for barring with me.


    Can I get the path in my application? The program can be installed in different folders.


    Another thing: the reports don't extract when I install the app, they remain in JARs... Can I specify path into JARs?


    Any other idea or direction?

    Thanks alot!



  2. Looks like this is the "main" line:

    parametros.put("subreportPath", "//WEB-INF//classes//reportes//");


    My report/subreport path is something like this (since it's a desktop app):

    com/company/project/reports (java way com.company.projects.reports).


    They are inside jar file. Can I set the path into the jar file?



  3. Yes, but that works only if I run main report from iReport. If I run the report from java app, I get the exception Could not load object from location : subreport.jasper.


    I found a lot of people had the same problem, but no useful solutions (yet)...

  4. Thanks for a quick reply.


    And how do I get reports path for (deployed) java application? The subreport is in the same folder as a main report, if that helps.


    Thanks in advance.

  5. Hi to all.

    I'm making a simple report-subreport hierarchy. I insert the subreport (existing subreport.jasper file) into report.jasper, they are in the same folder. I set the subreport expression to "subreport.jasper" as they are in the same folder.

    I recompile both report and subreport and run the report. It all works well.

    But the problem is that this doesn't work from the java desktop application. I get the exception:

    Could not load object from location : subreport.jasper

    I also tried to add the report/subreport folder to the classpath, but that didn't help either.


    So, how to add subreports so that they work from the application too? So far I didn't find anything useful, even searching this forum. Can anyone help me out, please? I desperately need help! Any hint or pointer would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks alot!


  6. Hi to all.

    I'm working on a report where I have to show some separate data and then sums - in crosstabs and charts.

    I'm now wondering how to most simply show crosstab data in chart (first attachment). In crosstab there are sums (correct, defined with measures), which I'd like to show in chart too. But instead chart shows the last values of an SQL group.

    Do I really need to write a whole new SQL when data is already there? I attach some more info how the crosstab is built.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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