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Posts posted by jmario

  1. Hi all,

    i am having some truble creating a proxy client with the wsdl.exe tool for the ReportScheduler ws. I have tried 2 ways to get the client- no success. The wsdl command looks like that:

    1.) for the local copied wsdl file

    >wsdl /language:CS /u:jasperadmin /p:jasperadmin  /out:test.cs "...path...\xxx.wsdl"

    and the result is:

    Microsoft ® Web Services Description Language Utility
    [Microsoft ® .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.3038]
    Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Error: Cannot find definition for http://localhost:8081/jasperserver/services/Re
    portScheduler:ReportScheduler.  Service Description with namespace http://localh
    ost:8081/jasperserver/services/ReportScheduler is missing.
    Parameter name: name

    If you would like more help, please type "wsdl /?".



    2.) for the wsdl at jasperserver

    >wsdl /language:CS /u:jasperadmin /p:jasperadmin /out:test.cs "http://localhost:8081/jasperserver/services/ReportSchedu

    and the error output was:

    Error: Unable to import binding 'ReportSchedulerSoapBinding' from namespace 'htt
      - Unable to import operation 'getJob'.
      - Nested groups may not be used with encoded SOAP. Please change definition of
     schema type 'Job' from namespace 'http://www.jasperforge.org/jasperserver/ws'.

    If you would like more help, please type "wsdl /?".


    So this is a resolved bug at ms: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/820122  But the ms workaround does not work for me!


    Whatever the problem may be, i am free to use any workaround to get the proxy class for  ReportScheduler ws for .net.

    If there is alredy a client generated and free for download (for .net) , please someone post the url for that-this would be the best that could happen to me at this time :)


    best regards,


  2. hi,

    thanks for your reply.

    what i want to do is to deploy reports to the jasper server. but i don't wont to do it through iReport.  I would like to do it through some external tools maybe like apache ant,... that's why i am asking if the jrxml files can be packaged into a jar.

    My situation:

    i have some jrxml files :)


    What do i need to do to deploy these files with all needed input controls and parameters to jasper server ? (is there any way to package all this sources and then deploy them?) - how can i load these reports for my case to the jasper server ?


    hope i was clear enough ? :)



  3. so there is no option to deploy jrxml to jasper in a jar package, if i understood ??

    Can i package the *.jasper files into a jar?

    what about some third party tools?



    Post Edited by Mario Dietner at 04/07/09 12:32
  4. Hi all!

    Is there any way to package a jrxml report file(s) into a jar package and then deploy the jar to any tomcat server on which jasperserver is running ?

    If so, which resources do i need to add to the jar or with the jar to the server?


    Thanks in advance!


  5. Hi,

    i have a problem with java.util.Date parameter that i am passing to the runReport method. The problem is, that the service requires the date parameter in miliseconds to work and i am sending the param in milis, but the report  is still not working fine. I get an error (from the log):

    11:22:26,671 ERROR ManagementService,http-8080-Processor17:1205 - caught Throwable exception: Error executing SQL statement for : reportName
    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error executing SQL statement for : reportName



    I am using DateFrom and DateTo params in the SQL statemtent as follows:

    AND      [someShema].[DbDate] between $P{DateFrom} and $P{DateTo}

    Both params are defined:

        <parameter name="DateFrom" class="java.util.Date">
        <parameter name="DateTo" class="java.util.Date">


    When i run this report from the jasper server admin page or from the ireport directly the report WORKS fine! Only when i call the report from the webService it doesn't - passing xml request!

    So the question could be: how configure the reports date params to work in miliseconds? Or how to configure the web service to accept the date param in other format than just in milis ?


    Thanks in Advance!


  6. Hi guys!

    I have been working on the same problem for about a week and found a solution. I am using Jasper ireport and .net C# client side.

    So to make an interop betwen the axis service and .Net client to use attachments u have to use WSE 2.0 and let your jasper know to use DIME attachments! Add an argument to the request xml:

    <argument name="USE_DIME_ATTACHMENTS"></argument>


    Very important: In the generated proxy class (from the wsdl.exe tool) make sure the class inherits from


    don't forget to add "using Microsoft.Web.Services2;" (for C#)


    very simple example to read an attachment (C#):

          MyService mgmtServ = new MyService();
          mgmtServ.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("usr", "pwd");
          mgmtServ.PreAuthenticate = true;

          string _out2 = mgmtServ.runReport(getReportXML);
          using (FileStream _out1 = new FileStream("C:/test.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))

            //if attachment exists
            using (Stream data = (mgmtServ.ResponseSoapContext.Attachments[0].Stream))
              byte[] b_array = new byte[data.Length];
              data.Read(b_array, 0, (int)data.Length);
              _out1.Write(b_array, 0, (int)data.Length);


    hope this will help you!

  7. I am new on this forum so hello everyone! :)

    I have an interoperability problem with jaspers report service and client side wse 2.0. The problem is that when i call the "runReport" operation through the web service enpoint the server returns a DIME attachment but the client (wse 2.0 .net c#) expects a simple SOAP xml response. Therefore the client can not handle a DIME response and it crashes. So my question is, if there is any one who had a similar problem and solved it ? Or has any one a solution to this problem ?


    Thanks in advance!

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