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Posts posted by doubledutch

  1. Evening all - quick question.


    I use Jasper Server to email reports to one of my clients. They have now asked me to encrypt the data before I sent it to them. Anyone has a suggestion on how to achieve that?

    Our setup:

    • Jasper Server 4.5
    • We use Jasper's soap interface to make report requests
    • Postfix email server

    Thanks in advance


    Post Edited by doubledutch at 02/13/2012 20:46
  2. Thanks Matt.

    Do I need to install the entire interim versions or can I just use DB update scripts to upgrade my database schema? Also - I had a quick look but couldn't easily find old JasperServer version downloads. Could you point me into the right direction?

    Much appreciate your help and next time - I'll keep closer to the current version /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif




  3. I know... I should have done this a lot sooner but due to a server on the verge of dying - I need to create a new install of JS.

    JS 4.2 was is installed and has its own database which works fine and I can get to it using iReport.

    JS 3.0 still exists and has all my reports in it.

    Is there a way of upgrading or "copy/paste" my report from JS 3.0 to the JS 4.2 database? We are talking about 25 different report units (with may sub reports) so copy / paste is not ideal but a price I'm willing to pay for not having done so sooner. There are also about 7 data sources but that doesn't worry me too much.

    I tried to do it with iReport 3.0  and there is no drag / drop / copy logic in there that I can find. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks advance



  4. Hi,

    We run JasperServer and as part of that have scheduled a bunch of reports through the JasperServer portal to run daily. Since a few weeks ago, instead of running daily they run every few days whilst we believe the configuration in JS is still suggesting that that's wrong.

    We made some server changes recently which I guess are the cause of the problem and I guess that somewhere we have not set something up correctly (e.g. a cron job is missing). Problem is: I have no idea where to start looking!

    I have 2 questions:

    1) What schedules JS scheduled reports? Is it a cron or something else (so I can check that's still OK?)

    2) Is there a log file somewhere which may suggest what's going wrong?

    Thanks in advance.





  5. Hi,

    I've started  to use the Jasper SOAP api recently but I'm not sure if my approach is correct and I was wondering if someone could clarify this for me.

    I have a report which takes a long time to execute. It's stored in my JS-Repository and I want to offer my users the possibility of asking for this report on request (not scheduled). I believe I can't really use the "runReport" SOAP call because the report just takes too long to execute but creating a new schedule every time the report is requested seems really messy because it's not really a schedule, it's a one-time run only.

    So ideally I would like to do what I can do in JasperServer which is ask for the report to be run in the background with the results emailed to my user. But I can't find how to do that using the SOAP api. Can someone make a suggestion of how to do this without creating a new schedule every the time or if I have to use the scheduler, which parameters should I use to run it immediately and never again?



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