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Posts posted by mjoc13

  1. Thanks Matt, turns out another attribute in the first line was not set to float.


    So things are working, but i have a space (blank line) b/w text1 and text2. iReport seems to be adding this in automatically. I've changed text1 to a height of 10 and have text2 start at 10...but this whitespace exists.


    Any thoughts?


  2. OK here is the next issue i found. I have a detail which basically has 2 rows of data.

    Say text1 is postion 0 and height of 10, and text2 is position12 and height 10.

    Problem is when text1 overflows it comes into the text of text2. I'm guessing since text2 has a static start of 12 it will start there regardless of text1's end position.

    Ideally i would like text to start at endHeight of text1+2.

     Also note, when i use positionType of float on text2 it does not display...

    Any ideas?


    Post Edited by mjoc13 at 06/19/2009 20:32
  3. I have a report with a subreport in the detail. I would like each detail outlined. I have the outline working, but there is a space between each detail after the header is printed.

    trying all sorts of things.


    Any info would be appreciated.



  4. Hi everyone,

    I have a list of items with a begin date.

    Is it possible to seperate the list into 2 lists, where the first list only contains items for today, and the second list hold the other items?

    I have a subreport with 2 groups, todayItems and otherItems. I was hoping to have a group expression similar to

    $F{beginDate}.after(new Date()) for the otherItems list; and figure out the expression for today. From what i've read the new Date() creates a date as of now.

    I receive an error with the above expression indicating

    "Cannot cast from boolean to Object value = (java.lang.Object)(((java.sql.timestamp)field_beginTime.getOldValue()).after(new Date()))"


    Any input would be appreciated.


  5. Thanks for the reply.

    I should have been more specific...The spacing is set to "single", but i would like to reduce that even further without having to adjust the font - similar to MS Word's adjustments.

    Does such a thing exist?

    If not a solution would be to have each row in its own textfield and play with the overlapping of rows.

  6. Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

    I have a text field which spans multiple rows, but the line spacing b/w each row seems rather large. Is there a way to adjust the spacing? I've looked in the settings and have not been able to find anything.


    Info would be appreciated.



  7. Hi all,

    Since i do not know the proper way of handling timezones in ireport, i'm wondering if i can add 8 hours to the utc timestamp coming from the datasource, to offset the default timezone formatting.

    Currently it's stored with time 00:00:00 UTC, so converting with out current timezone pulls it back into the previous day.

    I tried creating a variable and using the method setHours(int), but when compiling the report is errors with a cannot convert void to timestamp...since the setHours does not return anything. I've also tried casting it to a timestamp after the set method with no luck.

    Any info would be appreciated.



  8. Hi Eveyone,

    I am new to using ireport, and so far like the features and functionality offered.

    I have run into an issue, where i have a subreport with consisting of a columnHeader and a detail. But when i run the report i have a large white space b/w the column header and the first detail. I've tried playing with all the setting and in the detail rectangle, and in the main report detail, but the white space still exists.


    Any information/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.

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