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Posts posted by al_ryder

  1. You'd need to create a custom theme resolver.

    Modify applicationContext-themes.xml

    Find and replace:

    <bean id="jsThemeResolver" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.themes.MTThemeResolver">


    <bean id="jsThemeResolver" class="your custom resolver class">

    You then create a mapping table (userid, themename) which you custom resolver accesses

    Your custom resolver should extend AbstractThemeResolver 


    public class CustomThemeResolver extends AbstractThemeResolver { 


  2. Hi,

    I have a report created in iReport which has 4 parameters defined. I have loaded this report to JasperServer and setup the input controls required (they are cascading input controls). As you would know when running the report it prompts the user to select the values required to run the report.

    What I really want to do it have the report run and display automatically based on a set of default parameter values. I can do this within iReport easy enough, HOWEVER, i really need the default values to be dynamic based on the LoggedInUsername. The Username is one of my parameters.

    Any help appreciated.

    Thanks Al

  3. Hi,

    I was wondering if there was a workaround for the fact that for some charts when the query associated with them returns null, the rendering of the chart dies. i.e.  I have a report with a Area Chart and the whole report dies because the chart sometimes get passed null data:

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null 'dataset' argument. at org.jfree.data.general.DatasetUtilities.findStackedRangeBounds(DatasetUtilities.java:1364) at org.jfree.data.general.DatasetUtilities.findStackedRangeBounds(DatasetUtilities.java:1349) at org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StackedAreaRenderer.findRangeBounds(StackedAreaRenderer.java:171) at org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot.getDataRange(CategoryPlot.java:3897) at org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis.autoAdjustRange(NumberAxis.java:428) at org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis.configure(NumberAxis.java:411) at org.jfree.chart.axis.Axis.setPlot(Axis.java:964) at org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot.(CategoryPlot.java:542) at org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory.createStackedAreaChart(ChartFactory.java:1185)





    Post Edited by al_ryder at 05/20/2010 00:59
  4. Hi,

    I'm trying to use a variable in a sql query.  I'm wondering if that's possible?

    For example to do something like: select * from stored_procedure1($V{parameter});

    The reason I need a variable is that the 'parameter' variable's expression calls a user defined java function which generates some data.

    I've displayed the value of the variable using a textfield and it seems fine, but when I use it in a query it spits the dummy, looking at the database logs I can see that iReports is trying to pass the value "$V{parameter}" to the database instead of substituting the value of the variable.







    Post Edited by al_ryder at 05/10/2010 08:16
  5. Thanks developerdude,

    I should probably have detailed the context of my question better. Basically we have a situation in which different jasper users belong to multiple departments. We have one report which shows financial reporting per department. We have an input control which displays a list of departments that the user is able to run the report for. So once the user selects the department, the viewReportFlow takes care of running this report.

    The thing is, there is a major security flaw with my approach as a user can stick a proxy in between the browser and the Jasper Server application and change the department code to whatever he/she wants. In order to enforce the client side validation rules I also need to revalidate them at the server side, so hence I want to put some code at the server side which validates that the current logged in user actually has access to the department code that he's asking to run the report for.








  6. Hi,

    I'm trying to figure out how to run some custom code before a report gets run. Specifically when a user clicks on a report with an input control, after the input control value  is selected and before the report is actually run with that input control value; I want to do some server side validation of the input contol value before it's passed to whatever method runs the actual report.

    I was thinking about wiring up some kind of method interceptor via acegi, but is there already some kind of 'hook' into this method via an existing spring bean?






  7. Hi,

    we're running jasper server over https and find that when we're in the Analysis screen and try to download the data as xls we're getting the following error message from the browser: "Internet Explorer was not able  to open this Internet Site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found".

    Note: this only happens in Internet Explorer and only when we run Jasper over https, we also have a valid ssl certificate for the site as well. Is there a workaround for this?







  8. Hi,

    I'm trying to do drill throughs in Jasper Server so I've been trying to following some previous posts in this forum about how to create the drill through in IReports. Most of the posts say to select the hyperlink type as "ReportExecution", I can't seem to find that vaue in my list of hyperlink types, only "None, Reference, LocalAnchor, LocalPage, RemoteAnchor, RemotePage".

    I'm using IReports nb-3.1.2.


    What obvious thing am I missing?




  9. You need to parse the tomcat log looking for the url of the logout hhtp request for that particular user. You also need to deal with the time issue, i.e. make sure that the logout request is 'recent'. This is a really messy way of doing it. Shame Jasper Server doesn't keep an 'audit' table.
  10. Hi,


    I'm trying to get the price for JasperServer Professional. I've tried contacting Jasper via the main JasperSoft website, but to no avail (a couple of emails and I've been waiting for over a week); can someone just give me a rough figure as I need it for budgeting purposes.






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