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  1. Hi Sherman, thanks loads for your help. I'm able to add the jTDS to iReport. However, my ClassNotFound exception still needs to be erradicated. The error message thus: Exception Message: java.sql.SQLException: The syntax of the connection URL 'jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://CITI-DBSVR2:1433/instance=CER-LIVE' is invalid. Could you help shed some light into where I could have gone wrong? It's teh same exception that the Wixard kicked out earlier. Many, many thanks in advance! David
  2. I do apologise aforehand for being rather novice. This is the first time I'm evaluating JasperServer to see if it could be the answer to our search for a corporate reporting tool. Whilst trying to set up iReports, I've completed the following: 1. downloaded the JTDS driver from sourceforge; 2. place jtds-1.2.2.jar into lib of iReport; 3. extract JtdsXA.dll and ntlmauth.dll into the root of iReport; 4. placed msbase.jar, msutil.jar and mssqlserver.jar in libs folder of iReport; 5. restarted iReport; 6. entered Server Address & Database name into the JDBC URL Wizard and clicked Wizard; 7. encountered ClassNotFoundError exception citing net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver. I've attached both error screen capture and exception trail. Please assist, many thanks in advance.. Post Edited by David Lim at 03/24/09 09:07
  3. Hi Sherman, I shall start this project by using JasperServer to extract data from my SQL Server first. My test connection was successful. What are the steps that I should follow next? When I click Create Ad Hoc Report, everything seems to point back to the sample database. How do I get JasperServer to connect to my SQL Server? David
  4. swood Wrote: After you install, you can put the jTDS MS SQL/Sybase driver https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=33291 in <tomcat>/common/lib and then create a data source using that driver to report or analyze data in MS SQL. There are instructions in the install guide about a full MS SQL install. Sherman Jaspersoft Hi Sherman, My JasperServer Pro 3.1 has been installed on a WinTel server running Windows 2000. I am trying to pull/access data from SQL Server 2000 database that's running on a different Windows 2000 server. I've followed your suggestion and dropped the jtds 1.2.2 into all the necessary folders. Test connection is Succeessful..! However, I am not able to accessanything from the SQL Server. Must I buikd some form of schema to present data to JasperServer? Also, when I start my iReports, I only have choices of JDBC-ODBC, MySQL and PostgreSQL. How do I present the SQL Server to iReports?
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