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Posts posted by axa2001ro

  1. Thank you for your answer.

    My subreport is saved on server in resources. If I delete it the next time when I run the main report I get an error that the subreport is not founded.

    I recreated  a simple version of the main report but still the subreport is not printed. :(

    I attached the source code of the main report and subreport.


    Post Edited by axa2001ro at 12/07/2010 06:44
  2. Hello,


    I have created a report ( which contain a subreport ) with ireport 3.7. I tested on ireport and worked fine. Then I "published" this report on JasperServer ( using "Repository navigator" from Ireport). Now when I run the report the subreport data is not displayed.

    This is the first time when it happen this. Until now all published report have run well on server too.

    Did you encounter this situation?


    Thank you for your help!

    Post Edited by axa2001ro at 12/07/2010 06:43

    Post Edited by axa2001ro at 12/07/2010 06:45
  3. Hello,

    I have made a report on A5 paper ( two columns, landscape ).  When I want to print the resulted pages they allways are printed ( laser or dotmatrix printers ) rotated ( width become height) .

    If I change report settings from landscape to portrait, it is printed portrait, but this does not fit my requirements.

    Can you please help me?

    Thank you!


  4. Hello,


    I have created a report with two colums and detail band half the height of the page  ( http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=61985 ). So I have four area in which the data is displayed.

    The report contains some fields, lines and rectangle and a subreport. If the subreport has no data everything is just fine, I have four area with the same height.

    But if for one of the area the sureports has some data, the bellow area is moved with the same height as that taken by the subreport.

    All elements have the settings "Fix relative to the top", but they still move. :(

    Can you please tell me what should I do so I have 4 areas with contant height.

    Thank you!


  5. Hello,

    I need to divide the  page in four zones ( 2 rows and 2 columns). In each zone it has to be displayed only one record from the query.

    Can you please tell me if is possible such thing?

    Thank you!


    Post Edited by axa2001ro at 08/13/2009 21:26

    Post Edited by axa2001ro at 08/13/2009 21:27
  6. Hello,


    SELECT colum1, column2, column3 FROM table1

    The data from the above SELECT query will be displayed in report ( created in ireport) in this way:





    I would like that if for example column2 has no data the place in report to be taken by data from column3. Is this possible in Jasper report?


    Thank you!





  7. Hello,


    I have a report on which for a column are rows with "null" value. Is there a way to change the value wich is diaplayed by report?

    When I export this report all data from columns wich are on the right side of this colum are not exported.


    Thank you!

  8. Hello,


    Can you please tell me if it's possible to disable the export of the footer band. I want to export all the data from a report to a spreadsheet file, for further analysis.

    The report has almost 200 pages so it would be very hard to go and delete the content of the footer from spreadsheet file. The footer band contain number of the current page, total pages and current date.


    Thank you!

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