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Posts posted by kalafyan

  1. Well, I try to design a report with this format, ( look de image in the attachement), but my problem is even more complicated, imagine a report on races, each race is a column of the report, but the number of races that will have your table which is the same as saying the number of columns you do not know at design time, because today is to ignore race A, and tomorrow is going to add a race B, finally, this table can not be designed in advance, this table should be built at runtime, and must have the format of the table in the photo.

    ¿can help me with some idea.?

  2. Hello:

    I had posted this in the forum of iReport, but I think this is where I should have posted:

     ¿I can integrate iText and JasperReport in the same code?, i mean, ¿I can obtain a JasperReport object from a com.lowagie.text.Document object ?,or something like.


    The problem is, i have some parts of my report that are dynamic, and i can't design my report with iReport entirely, i design  the static part of my report with iReport, and the dynamic part  i build  with iText, but i can't found the way to integrate these tecnologies, ¿it is posible?.


  3. Hello:

    In first place, sorry for my english, my question is ¿I can integrate iText and JasperReport in the same code?, i mean, ¿I can obtain a JasperReport object from a com.lowagie.text.Document object ?,or something like.


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