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Posts posted by yashdeep

  1. Hello!

    I have installed "jasperserver-ce-3.7.0" with existing MySql & Bundled Tomcat....., previously m using "jasperserver-3.5.0"........

    Problem comes when i Migrate 3.5 to 3.7 ........ i Used following stpes for this:

    Exported the repository using following command of "jasperserver-3.5.0"

         js-export  --uris /SampleReports --output-zip D:SampleReports.zip

    The SampleReports folder is having 4-5 subfolderes.

    Imported the zip using following command of "jasperserver-ce-3.7.0"

         js-import --input-zip D:SampleReports.zip


    There is no error msg during the import, the SampleReports folder & all its sub foldres are imported properly...... but contents of some folders are  not thr  perticularly of JDBC connection and propmts(input controls) ... on the other hand all the reports are thr in other reports folder..... when i edit the reports then i can see all the JDBC connections & prompts in Data Source, prompts List.


    Can anyone help on this.....

    m using Windows XP Professional Version SP-2, MySql 5.1....


    One more thing  that whenever i create any new JDBC data source, input control are not visible under specified folder location....


    Thanks & Regards,


    Post Edited by yashdeep at 14/12/2009 12:36 PM
  2. Hi lupes!!

    i tried some code solution from forum, it worked for me............ m getting list of sepecified folder location (URI)......... but when i run any report then i get this error on tomcat


    10:21:06,718 DEBUG ManagementService,http-8085-Processor24:202 - Encapsulation D
    IME? : false
    10:21:06,734 DEBUG ManagementService,http-8085-Processor24:216 - Adding attachme
    nt: report, type: application/pdf
    10:21:06,750 DEBUG ManagementService,http-8085-Processor24:244 - Has descriptors
    : 0
    10:21:06,765 DEBUG ManagementService,http-8085-Processor24:248 - marshalled resp
    10:21:06,765 DEBUG ManagementService,http-8085-Processor24:249 - <?xml version="
    1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <operationResult version="2.0.1">


    i can see other information abt my report run....., like parameter values etc.......


    Thanks & Regards,





  3. Hello!!

    I would like to know how to use "OR" condition in the cascaded input controls, for example i have country --> State--> City  prompts on report.

    I want to fill all countries, all states and all cities on report load.


    1. If only country is selected then city should reload irrespective to state selection.

    2. If only State is selected then city should reload according to state selection.

    I tried these conditons in input controls but won't worked. Here is sample  Queries

    -- For Country Prompt

    select Country from Country_t

    -- For State Prompt

    Select State from state_t where county='$P{Country_p}'

    -- For City Prompt

    Select city from city_t where county='$P{Country_p}' OR state='$P{State_p}' etc

    None of my input control is Mandatory.

    If any workaround is thr then pls let me know.......

    Anyways cascaded control is a grate feature............... once again thanks for this..

    Thanks & Regards,


    Consulting 101 Systems Pvt Ltd.

    Post Edited by yashdeep at 26/08/2009 03:11 PM
  4. Hello swood!!

    I checked the cascading patch its working fine with the given example . I checked this with our sample data it works perfectly......

    I used JasperServer 3.5.0 Community Edition.


    Thank  for giving  such feature it was much awaited since long.

    Thanks & Regards,


    Consulting 101 Systems Pvt. Ltd.

    Post Edited by yashdeep at 25/08/2009 11:29 AM

    Post Edited by yashdeep at 25/08/2009 12:03 PM
  5. Hi!!

    U can try with some customizer classes..............(visit http://jfree.org/)...............

    Define colors on the basis of Series Name (bar chart)/Key Expression (pie chart), both must be identical like "Qty" as Series Name of bar chart as well as Key expression in pie chart................. this may help u..................

    I tested this with Bar chart, never tried with pie chart.................. i hope this is going to help u....................


    Thanks & Regards,



  6. hi moz!!

    There are more option to use  with js-export like  --everything, --uris (this allow u to export only desired folder from JS repository)....

    --everything Export everything: all repository objects, permissions, report jobs, users, and roles.

    --help Displays brief information about the available commands.

    --report-jobs Comma separated list of repository report unit and folder URIs for which report unit
                             jobs should be exported
                             If a folder URI is specified, the folder is recursively traversed and JasperServer exports
                             the jobs defined for each report unit that is found.

    --repository-permissions When this option is present, repository permissions are exported along with each
                                                    exported folder and object.
                                                   This option should only be used in conjunction with --uris
    --roles Comma separated list of roles to export; if no roles are specified with this option, all
                 roles are exported.
    --role-users When this option is present, each role export triggers the export of all users belonging
                           to the role. This option should only be used in conjunction with --roles.
    --uris Comma separated list of repository folder/object URI paths
    --users Comma separated list of users to export; if no users are specified with this options, all
                   users are exported.

     for more details u can refer Admin Guide....

    this may help u



    Post Edited by yashdeep at 04/08/2009 04:01 PM
  7. Hello!!

    I have created a "test"/"test" as  user of my MySql (Database User).

    I want to login on jasperserver using the credentails (Uname=test,Password=test), and want to pass these credentials to Data Source (used to connect to Database) that i have already defined in Jasper Server Repository,which is being used by all the reports.

    Is this possible,if Yes then pls let me know, how can i acheive this.


    I am reading posts on the forum, still not get anything ......

    Thanks & Regards,


    Post Edited by yashdeep at 03/08/2009 12:09 PM
  8. Hello!

    Can i restrict number of users created in jasper i.e. i don't want to allow anyone to create user after certain limit...............

    For ex. i don't want to create more than 5 users......

    We have an idea : Fire a query and get count of users created and give some msg to user that he/she can't create more than .. user.

    Is it possible to edit some jsp for this or we should edit User services for this.....

    Any help on this is highly appriciated.

    Thanks & Regards,








  9. Hi All!

    I am using Community 3.1 JasperServer... i have some reports which conatins sub-reports, when i download them to PDF,RTF format then some part of right most reports is not available in downloaded file.... i can see the report in html fomart (i.e. default view).

    I think its an issue with the page size of PDF,RTF documents, is there any way to set it to desired size (custom paper/page size).

    I am bit aware of "export parameters" in applicationContext.xml, is there any property available to set page size in "pdfExportParameters".

     I already visitied existing posts .... but no help

    Any one knows this.. how to set page size then pls let me know.









    Post Edited by yashdeep at 04/07/2009 12:27 PM
  10. hi!

    its working fine..... but i can't see any information regarding how much time the query take to get data for database, how many rows returned (result of Query)

    is thr any option to set  Log level to more details..... like

    log4j.logger.net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter="debugDetails".....(just an example).


    Thanks & Regards,


  11. Hi All!!!!

    I am having one main report with 3 Sub reports on it. Its working fine..... I would like to know how the sub report queries are fired on database to get data, are they fired parallel or sequential?????

    Example: Main Report contains 3 Sub-Reports A, B and C. Now when i run main report, what actually happens?

    1. First main report query fired then Sub-report A then B then C.


    2. All the queries fired simultaneously.

    Any help on this is good

    Thanks & Regards,



    Hi All!!!!

    I am having one main report with 3 Sub reports on it. Its working fine..... I would like to know how the sub report queries are fired on database to get data, are they fired parallel or sequential?????

    Example: Main Report contains 3 Sub-Reports A, B and C. Now when i run main report, what actually happens?

    1. First main report query fired then Sub-report A then B then C.


    2. All the queries fired simultaneously.

    Any help on this is good

    Thanks & Regards,


  13. Hello!

    Is it possible to add series in chart on the basis of any condition.

    Example: Suppose i have 5 possible combination of series but i want to show/use only 2-3 combinations at a time  on graph.

    Thanks & Regards,




  14. Hello!

    Can u tell me the setp-by-step process to acheive Grouping in stacked bar chart (using jFreeChart by "GroupedStackedBarRenderer"), if possible pls give some sample jrxml file.


    Thanks & Regards,



    Post Edited by yashdeep sant at 04/07/09 13:05
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