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Everything posted by paatal

  1. hi kchaudhry, my first question was that i want to understand where is the plase of the total sum field ? this is summary or column footer or page footer. and what about second question, my report property - "Summary on a new Page" is set to false, but it could not be splitted.
  2. hi all, i'm newbie on iReport. this is very very good product. i like to use it. i have some problem 1. i have data on my detail, report contains more then 1 page (For exampe 10), i neew column total sum, what i did : create new Variable name : PriceSum Calculation : sum Reset type : Column Variable Expression : $F{price} ---- this is column from which i need total sum. then i drag and drom this variable into "summary" Band ? (i want that sum must be into 10 th page after the data). is this correct ??? 2. after this, into summary i need some fields (adresses, names, bank parameters and so on, ) i have 20 fields into summary when i tried to run my report the result is : 10 page contains data and the summary with total sum is on 11 th page. summary band is not splitting. i need that total sum must be after detail not on the next page. the Split allowed checkbox is selected for all my bands. how i can do it ? any idea will be appreciated. ________________________ Regards Paata Magticom LTD.
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