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Posts posted by joshhighley

  1. Is there documentation for the applicationContext file used for custom data sources besides the JasperServer Pro Admin Guide?  Specifically, I wanted to display a text area instead of a text input for one of the properties of my custom data source.  I looked through the jsp source code (WEB-INF/jsp/reportDataSourceFlow/customPropsForm.jsp) and found that if properties textWidth and textHeight were defined, then it would display a text area.  The admin guide has a little documention about the applicationContext file and defining the properties for a custom data source, but it has no mention of textWidth or textHeight.  Are these properties, and any others, documented (or at least listed) anywhere?

    <bean id="myDataSource" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.CustomDataSourceDefinition">     ....etc.....
          <property name="propertyDefinitions">
                      <entry key="name" value="lotsOfData"/>
                      <entry key="textWidth" value="40"/>
                      <entry key="textHeight" value="20"/>






  2. I've saw several posts lately about problems linking to images from reports.  I thought I'd share this tip:

    I created a report that uses a couple of images to indicate the status of some automated services (running or not running) for a dashboard.  I didn't want to mess with handling the images separate from the report, so I used this method to embed the images in the jrxml itself:

    1) Base64 encode the image.  I used the online utility at http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp    Note that I have no ties to this site whatsoever, it's just something I found to be useful and it works.

    2) In your report, create a variable of type String and set the variable expression to the Base64 encoded string from step 1

    3) Put the image element in your report with class java.io.InputStream  I also set scaling to retain shape.

    4) For the image expression use:

    new java.io.StringBufferInputStream( new org.w3c.tools.codec.Base64Decoder($V{MY_IMAGE}).processString() )

    The Base64 decoder class is included with JasperServer and is already on the classpath.  I tested this successfully with image formats GIF, JPEG, PNG, and BMP.  (I ended up using PNG by the way)

    I think it should also be possible to use class java.awt.Image (BufferedImage) created by ImageIO.load() from a byte array input stream, but this didn't work for me, even though using InputStream directly does.



  3. I'd like to create a box and whisker chart.  It's supported by the JFreeChart version included with JasperReports and iReport, but it's not offered as a chart option.  Is it possible to create a custom chart?  ...sort of like creating custom data sources by implementing JRDataSource, only with charts.

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